Social Skills Story: Dressing for a Job Interview: Editable (Printable PDF )
Dressing for a job interview can be a daunting task, but with our Social Skills Story: Dressing for Success, your child/student will be confident and prepared in no time!
This 17-page story walks you through the process of choosing the right outfit and looking your best, so you can make a great impression on potential employers.
- 17 page social skills story
- editable version saved on Google Slides
- Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you're interested in this book, you may want to check out the rest of our Job Social Skills Stories
Want to edit this book?
Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷
You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻