Morning Work "All About Me"...
$10.97 USD
The EVERYTHING Personal Information Bundle
Our all about me book features over 64 printable book pages that allow a student to explore different aspects of themselves, and get them talking like this...
"Hi, I'm _____.”
“I go to ____ School.”
“My teacher is _____.”
“I ride the ______ bus home.”
Who is it for?
Toddlers, kids, teenagers adults and seniors have mastered learning their essential personal information skills with these interactive activities.
Our All About Me Book is a life skills workbook designed for people with special needs, but can be used by anyone who needs to master their personal information.
It provides visual supports and prompts to help them learn essential life skills, increasing their independence at home, school and in the community.
This book will give your loved one/ students the tools that will allow him or her to lead a happier life by increasing their independence.
You can order this book now and start using it today!
📸 This set includes real photographs and is appropriate for all ages.
Easy Differentiation:
Pages are designed for multiple levels of differentiation: tracing, adapted pieces, writing + digital versions: drag and drop/ typing make it easier to practice personal information know matter what level your students are at.
This way they're able to go at their own pace & can work any the specific skills they need help with.
What's Included
Fully editable text
Standard printer friendly prints 8.5x11 sheets
Instant Access
Tracing, Writing, Adapted Pieces
Ready to go- no need to print or prep
Drag and drop features
Typing activities
Personal Information:
🎂 Age, Grade, Birthday
👁️ Eye Color
👱🏻 Hair Color
👨👩👧👦 Family Members Names: (Mom, dad, sister, brother, editable)
👩 👨Gender
🏘️ Address (street number, city, state, zip code)
☎️ Phone Number
School Information:
🏫 School Name (generic pic/ editable)
👩🏾🏫 Teacher Name, Therapists Name
🧒 Who is in your class at school? Classmates Names
🎒 Classroom Number
🚌 Bus Number
🥪 School Lunch Number
🚸 How I get to school? How I get home from school…
🎨 What special do I have today?
👕 Identify the color of the clothes you’re wearing (shirt, pants)
🙃 Identify how you feel today (with emoji's)
🕗 Time school starts/ ends
📧 Email Address, Email Password
Do I need to purchase 1 per student?
No, buy once, and use it for years to come. Each license includes unlimited use for each purchasers personal use.
Make a copy for each of your students at no additional charge. We do ask that school districts pay for 1 per teacher.
Is there any specific software I need to edit this? What kind of software?
Customizing is a cinch! And free! :) Add in photographs and type in personal information with Adobe Reader or Google Slides.
Will the All About Me Book be sent to me as real books or are they only digital?
*This is not a physical product.* It will be delivered to you immediately upon purchase via email.
Are these American spelling or Australian?
All text is fully editable. Comes with both US spelling and Australian spelling copies.
Printable Book Comes In: English, Spanish, French and Filipino
Does it come with map and states of Australia?
Yes! Australian specific map, postcode and phone number pages are included.
Does it come with map and states of Canada?
Yes! Canada specific map, postcode and phone number pages are included.
Does it come in Spanish?
Yes, the set includes: English, Spanish, French and Filipino Versions.
Does it come in French?
Yes, the set includes: English, Spanish, French and Filipino Versions.

100+ Life Skills File Folde...
$39.97 USD
Life Skills File Folders Prepare Your Students for the Daily Challenges of Life...
Life Skills Categories:
Community Signs
Independent Living Skills
Household Skills
Basic Kitchen Skills
Grocery Store Aisles
Who is it for?
100+ Life Skills is the perfect resource for anyone who wants to learn essential life skills.
This 523-page bundle comes with visual supports to help teach daily living skills.
Making it easier for people with special needs to be more independent. With this set, you'll give your loved ones/ students the tools they need for a happier, more independent life.
You can order this set now and start using it today!
📸 This set includes real photographs and is appropriate for all ages.
What's Included
7 PDFS (materials are sorted into categories)
Standard printer friendly prints 8.5x11 sheets
Instant Access
523 Printable Pages
Ready to go- no need to print or prep
Drag and drop features
118 Digital File Folders

Social Skills Story: Contro...
$3.97 USD
Looking to improve your child's social skills? This story is perfect for teaching kids about the importance of controlling their volume in different situations.
With a helpful chart included, this story makes it easy for kids to understand when they need to be quieter and when it's okay to let loose.
14 Page Social Skills Story
Editable Text
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
Want to edit this book?
Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷
You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Counting Coins: "Buying Sna...
$20.97 USD
$26.37 USD
This is the bundle you NEED to teach counting coins.
Perfect for early elementary or special education classrooms.
BONUS: Buy today to get 160 Coin Identification Task Cards FREE. 🤑
Printable PDF
7 Task Bin Centers
I can buy gummy bears. (Pennies)
I can buy lollipops. (Nickels)
I can buy candies. (Dimes)
I can buy donut holes (Quarters)
Nickels and Pennies
Dimes and Pennies
Quarters and Pennies
- 4 differentiated levels of support included with each center!
1. Visual Counting Support and Velcro Strips
2. Velcro Strips (No Visual Counting Supports)
3. Visual Counting Support- No Velcro
4. Candy/ Price Only
Set up instructions included
Digital Versions
Distance Learning?
You can get started with the interactive digital versions 💻 in a matter of SECONDS.
Drag and Drop on Google Slides:
Pennies and Nickels
Pennies and Dimes
Pennies and Quarters
Digital Setup
BONUS Coin Identification
Still have students working on coin identification?
Differentiation is a breeze when you have the right materials.
Buy this set today, and get 160 coin identification task cards FREE.

Social Story: It's Okay to ...
$3.97 USD
Would you like to teach your child/student how to be a good sport, even when they lose?
With Social Skills Story: It's Okay to Lose, you can learn how to behave graciously and accept defeat with dignity.
This fun and easy-to-read story is perfect for young children or anyone special needs who needs some guidance in social situations.
Whether you're heading into an important competition or just trying to make friends, this story will help you stay calm and polite - no matter what happens.
13 Page Social Skills Story
Editable Text
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of Social Skills Stories.
Want to edit this book?
Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷
You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Task Cards: Next Dollar Up:...
$7.95 USD
Want to Make Your CBI Trips More Effective?
Stop Your Students From Digging Into Their Pockets & Pulling Out Their Entire Wad of Cash Just to Pay for a Candy Bar...
This Set Gives Your Students the Hands-On Classroom Prep They Need to Go Out Into the Community & Pay With Confidence
Set up is so easy use instantly digitally 💻📲, or just print and laminate! 🖨️
Watch the digital task cards in action below. 🎬👀
👉 6 Levels of Differentiation! From errorless to write it in. We've got all of your student's levels covered. 🕰️ Low Prep 📋 Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) 🍔 Functional Life Skill: Fast Food Themed
192 Task Cards!
Students are to place the clip on the next dollar amount.
Increase the skill level by providing them with bills and have them create the next dollar amount. All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization and independence.

Task Cards: Measuring Cups ...
$8.00 USD
Practice makes perfect, this set includes all the visuals your students need to master all the skills involving measuring spoons.
206 Task Cards!
✓ 6 Levels of Differentiation! From errorless to write it in. We've got all of your student's levels covered. ✓ Low Prep✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) ✓ Functional Life Skill
Sets included:
What size measuring cup is this?
Which one should I use? Liquid or dry measuring cup
What is it filled to? (liquid measuring cups)
Hands-on Practice
PDF | 80 Pages | 7.8 MB

Social Skills Story: Trick ...
$3.97 USD
Trick or treating is a great way to get into the Halloween spirit!
With this 17-page social story, your student/child will learn all about costumes, safety and going trick or treat.
This story is neurodivergent affirming, so it's perfect for kids with autism or other special needs.
17 page social skills story
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
Editable Version Saved on Google Slides
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of home life related social narratives.
Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷
You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

"Answering Hypothetical Que...
$5.97 USD
Do you want to teach your students how to think critically?
Answering Hypothetical Questions is an educational resource that provides teachers/ parents with a different approach to teaching hypothetical questions.
Rather than having the student identify the correct answer, this material focuses on providing and discussing multiple correct answers to hypothetical questions.
First, explore the options and talk about the different correct answers.
Then have your student select the answer that makes most sense for them! Includes 15 sets of hypothetical questions and possible correct answers. PDF | 8.2 MB | 35 pages
With this innovative approach, students will be able to learn more about themselves while also learning how others might think or feel in certain situations.
This unique method of teaching will allow your students to develop empathy skills they can use throughout their lives! Click "add to cart" if you're interested in downloading Answering Hypothetcal questions today!
Answering Hypothetical Questions
This product contains 15 sets of hypothetical questions and possible correct answers.
Each set of questions is accompanied by a discussion on the different correct answers.
The goal is to have students identify the best answer for them, rather than just identifying the correct answer.
These are great for studying or reviewing! They are also great for group discussions!
Hypothetical Questions Speech Therapy
I find myself writing IEP goals for hypothetical questions ALL the time.
But how we teach the skill is just as important!
Many times we get caught in the habit of teaching a single rote answer . . .
Question: What do you do if you feel sick?
Answer: “Go to the doctor.”
But do we all really go to the doctor when we are sick?
Or is that just ONE possibility?
After all, we want students thinking, not just memorizing answers!
Therefore, this material is a little different than your standard hypothetical questions deck.
Rather than having the student identify the correct answer, they will be asked what they would do if they were feeling sick and then given three options from which to choose one.
This way students can think about their own reasoning behind their decision rather than simply identifying an answer on a test or quiz without understanding why it was chosen over other possible responses.
Purchase this set today and give your students more opportunities for critical thinking skills development!
All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization and independence.

Task Cards: Food Storage: W...
$10.97 USD
Clip, circle, tap, or write in where the food item should go... in the pantry, freezer or refrigerator.
368 Task Cards (4 per page)
✓4 Levels of Differentiation. We've got ALL of your student's levels covered.
✓ Errorless, Field of 2, Field of 3, Write It In (92 task cards per Level) ✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE)
✓ Functional Life Skill
✓ Interactive Digital Task Cards (All 4 Levels)
Digital versions can be accessed by you and your students in just a few clicks!
Saved on Google Slides, they can easily be added to google classroom or shared via google drive to your students.
PDF | 7.6 MB |128 Pages

Task Cards: Fast Food | How...
$8.00 USD
Want to Make Your CBI Trips More Effective?
Stop Your Students From Digging Into Their Pockets & Pulling Out Their Entire Wad of Cash Just to Pay for a Candy Bar...
This Set Gives Your Students the Hands-On Classroom Prep They Need to Go Out Into the Community & Pay With Confidence
Next dollar up is a fantastic skill, but sometimes your students aren't going to have just the exact right amount of bills.
Now you can conquer teaching your students how many of each bill they should use when paying. Instead of handing over their whole wad of cash. 🤷
Your students will clip or circle the number of bills they need to make the purchase.
288 Task Cards (4 per page)
✓2 Levels of Differentiation. (counting supports over bills, just bills) ✓ 8 sets total: 1, 5, 10, 20 dollar bills (2 levels of each) ✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) ✓ Low Prep✓ Functional Life Skill
PDF | 13.2 MB | 92 Pages
Set up is so easy, just print and laminate!
Increase the skill level by providing bills and have your students practice counting them out and making purchases.
All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization and independence.

Task Cards: Coin Identifica...
$6.00 USD
Get your students to master coin identification. This 160 card set, will have your kids identifying coins both by their name and their value.
✓ 5 Levels of Differentiation! From errorless to write it in. We've got all of your student's levels covered. ✓ Low Prep✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) ✓ Functional Life Skill: Money!
160 Task Cards!
Students circle or place the clip on coin name or value. This is a great way to have students work on money.
All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization and independence.

Social Narrative: Spitting:...
$3.97 USD
Are You Ready For the Awkward Teachable Moments?
We've Got You Covered with Straightforward Narratives & Visuals
Social Skills Stories: Spitting is the perfect tool for helping students learn appropriate social behaviors around spitting. This 13 page social skills story is a great tool for helping students with sensory issues. The story is editable, so you can tailor it to your students' unique needs.
Direct social skills instruction is extremely beneficial to students with special needs.
13 page social story
Editable version saved on Google Slides
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this story, you may want to check out our full collection of school expectations social skills stories.
Want to edit this book?
Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷
You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Task Cards: Measuring Spoon...
$6.40 USD
$8.00 USD
Practice makes perfect, this set includes all the visuals your students need to master all the skills involving measuring spoons.
304 Task Cards!
✓ 6 Levels of Differentiation! From errorless to write it in. We've got all of your student's levels covered. ✓ Low Prep✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) ✓ Functional Life Skill
Sets included:
What size measuring spoon is this?
Which one should I use?
Mark all the ones you'll need.
Hands-on Practice
PDF | 100 Pages | 3.7 MB

Menu Math Pizza Parlor 4 Ta...
$19.97 USD
Take the extra step to make real world connections in math...
Menu Math
Your students will clip or circle the price amount of the menu item(s).
312 Task Cards (4 per page)
✓6 Levels of Differentiation. We've got all of your student's levels covered. ✓ Errorless, Field of 2, Field of 3, Field of 4, Field of 5, Write It In✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) ✓ Low Prep✓ Functional Life Skill
PDF | 6.6MB | 92 Pages
Set up is so easy, just print and laminate!
Increase the skill level by providing them with bills and have them create the next dollar amount. All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization and independence.
Which Bill Should I Pay With?
This set is part of our Menu Math Life Skills Series.
These task cards have your students identifying which single bill they should use to pay for the entire order.
Comes with 196 task cards in 5 differentiated levels
✓ 5 Levels of Differentiation! From errorless to write it in. We've got all of your student's levels covered. ✓ Low Prep✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) ✓ Functional Life Skill: Fast Food Themed
Currencies Included US, AUD, CAD
PDF | 8.6 MB | 64 pages
Change: How much should I get back?
This simple set, will teach your kids how to determine how much change they SHOULD get back, so they never get short changed again!
Part of our Pizza Menu Math life skills series- these task cards have your students subtracting the amount they paid, to determine how much change they should get back.
Your students will clip or circle the dollar amount they should receive back in change.
312 Task Cards (4 per page)
✓6 Levels of Differentiation. We've got all of your student's levels covered. ✓ Errorless, Field of 2, Field of 3, Field of 4, Field of 5, Write It In✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) ✓ Low Prep✓ Functional Life Skill
Currencies Included US, ASD, CAD
PDF | 12.3 MB | 92 Pages
Debit Card Transactions
These task cards have your students determining if they have enough money to use their card to complete the purchase.
These are perfect for older students who are making purchases out in the community, or those kiddos who find pizza and money to be motivating to do math!
Comes with 208 task cards in 4 differentiated levels
✓ 4 Levels of Differentiation! We've got all of your student's levels covered. Errorless, Yes/ No, Write It In, Do the Math: Find the New Balance. ✓ Low Prep✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) ✓ Functional Life Skill
PDF | 8.6 MB | 68 pages