Do These Words Rhyme? Phonemic Awareness Activity - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Do These Words Rhyme? Phonemic Awareness Activity - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Do These Words Rhyme? Phon... $3.97 USD
Looking for a fast, fun, and effective way to teach phonological/phonemic awareness skills? Look no further than AdaptEd's Do these words rhyme? By identifying if the two words rhyme, students will develop an important skillset that will help them become better readers, spellers, and writers. This activity is perfect for Pre-K to 1st grade students, either in a classroom setting or at home. 20 worksheets / 100 pairs of rhyming words This set is ideal to be used with: Special Education  Beginning Readers Struggling Readers Pre-K to 1st Grade (RTI)
Beginning Sound I Spy Letter Sound Recognition - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Beginning Sound I Spy Letter Sound Recognition - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Beginning Sound I Spy Lette... $3.97 USD
Is your child just starting to learn their letters and sounding out words? These I Spy Beginning Sounds mats are the perfect tool to help them gain confidence and practice letter-sound correspondence. Each mat features real photos and corresponding letter sound to help your child make the connection between the objects and the sound it begins with. You can use these mats in a variety of ways, including with manipulatives for a fine motor component, or laminated with dry erase markers, pompoms or playdough. The possibilities are endless! This is a great way to build vocabulary and practice phonemic awareness. Plus, it's NO PREP - just print and go! 25 I Spy Worksheets This set is ideal to be used with: Special Education  Beginning Readers Struggling Readers Pre-K to 1st Grade (RTI) This is perfect for: Literacy Centers Stations Morning Work Finished Bins or "I'm Finished" Work Small Groups
Counting Syllables: Clap It Out - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Counting Syllables: Clap It Out - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Counting Syllables: Clap It... $3.97 USD
If you're looking for a fun, hands-on way to help your students master syllable and phonemic awareness skills, then you need AdaptEd’s Counting Syllables. With 175 different words ranging from 1 to 5 syllables, this activity is perfect for use in ELA centers, literacy centers, and workstations. Repetition with variety is key to success with this important skill, and AdaptEd provides plenty of both.  Plus, these Syllable Counting pages can be used over and over again - making them a great value for your classroom. So don't wait - get AdaptEd’s Counting Syllables today and see the difference it makes in your students' reading abilities! ✅ SAVE TIME! - The syllable counting pages are easy to prep and can be used over and over again. ✅ EASY TO DIFFERENTIATE! - Ranges from 2-5 syllable hand icons on the page. 1-5 syllables per word.  ✅ KEEPS KIDS ENGAGED! This is a fun and motivating way to teach kids how to count syllables and practice phonological awareness. ✅ EASY TO USE! Identify the picture  Determine the number of syllables (claps) Draw an X on the clapping hands icon for each syllable in the word.   ✅ VERSATILE!  This versatile product can be used as an independent activity, in small groups, or with the whole class. Just have the kids identify the picture, determine the number of syllables, and draw an X on the clapping hands icon for each syllable.  You can also bind the pages into a phonemic awareness practice workbook. Either way, your students are sure to love this fun and motivating way to learn! Here's what you'll get: 35 syllable counting pages  These rhyming word games can be used simply as matching games for centers or the cards can be placed face down and they can be used as concentration games.  The concentration games will require students to focus in order to match the appropriate word pairs. I have included two sets of cards. The first set includes pictures with words that rhyme. The second set of cards has only pictures. These can be used for an advanced level of game play or for a student who is struggling to find the rhyming words.
Rhyme Matching Draw the Line to the Rhyming Word - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Rhyme Matching Draw the Line to the Rhyming Word - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Rhyme Matching Draw the Lin... $3.97 USD
Looking for a fast, fun, and effective way to teach phonological/phonemic awareness skills? Look no further than AdaptEd's Matching Rhyming Words! By drawing a line to the pictures that rhyme, students will develop an important skillset that will help them become better readers, spellers, and writers. This activity is perfect for Pre-K to 1st grade students, either in a classroom setting or at home. 15 worksheets or 15 file folders Answer Keys Included This set is ideal to be used with: Special Education  Beginning Readers Struggling Readers Pre-K to 1st Grade (RTI)
It's Time to Rhyme Rhyming File Folders Cut & Paste Worksheets Adapted Book - AdaptEd4SpecialEd It's Time to Rhyme Rhyming File Folders Cut & Paste Worksheets Adapted Book - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
It's Time to Rhyme Rhyming ... $3.97 USD
Looking for a fast, fun, and effective way to teach phonological/phonemic awareness skills? Look no further than AdaptEd's Rhyming Words. By matching the pictures that rhyme, students will develop an important skill set that will help them become better readers, spellers, and writers. This activity is perfect for Pre-K to 1st grade students, either in a classroom setting or at home. 15 worksheets or 15 file folders. Use 3 ways:  Cut and Paste Worksheet File Folders Adapted Books This set is ideal to be used with: Special Education  Beginning Readers Struggling Readers Pre-K to 1st Grade (RTI) Explicit phonological awareness instruction is important for all developing readers. Students with special needs generally require more of this type of instruction- repetition with variety becomes essential to keep students engaged and learning. *Research Tip* when first teaching rhyming words begin with words that have distinct mouth movements, (i.e. tap/map) that students can see. This provides our students with another visual clue. Instead of waiting for your students to master a specific set of words before moving on, use different words and rotate through to provide additional learning opportunities and variety. Listed below is a set of rhyming word skills that students should develop over time. This list goes from easiest to hardest, however don't limit your students to one type of instruction before mastery. Mix up your teaching to provide them with repetition with variety. Rhyming skills Determining if 2 words rhyme Identifying which word does not rhyme with a set of words Identifying which words rhyme in a set of words Generating rhyming words
Counting Syllables Phonemic Awareness - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Counting Syllables Phonemic Awareness - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Counting Syllables Phonemic... $3.97 USD
If you're looking for a fun, hands-on way to help your students master syllable and phonemic awareness skills, then you need AdaptEd’s Counting Syllables. With 175 different words ranging from 1 to 5 syllables, this activity is perfect for use in ELA centers, literacy centers, and workstations. Repetition with variety is key to success with this important skill, and AdaptEd provides plenty of both.  Plus, these Syllable Counting pages can be used over and over again - making them a great value for your classroom. So don't wait - get AdaptEd’s Counting Syllables today and see the difference it makes in your students' reading abilities! ✅ SAVE TIME! The syllable counting pages are easy to prep and can be used over and over again. ✅ EASY TO DIFFERENTIATE!  Ranges from 2-5 syllable hand icons on the page. 1-5 syllables per word.  ✅ KEEPS KIDS ENGAGED! This is a fun and motivating way to teach kids how to count syllables and practice phonological awareness. ✅ EASY TO USE! Identify the picture  Determine the number of syllables (claps) Draw an X on the clapping hands icon for each syllable in the word.   ✅ VERSATILE!  This versatile product can be used as an independent activity, in small groups, or with the whole class. Just have the kids identify the picture, determine the number of syllables, and draw an X on the clapping hands icon for each syllable.  You can also bind the pages into a phonemic awareness practice workbook. Either way, your students are sure to love this fun and motivating way to learn! Here's what you'll get: 35 syllable counting pages  These rhyming word games can be used simply as matching games for centers or the cards can be placed face down and they can be used as concentration games.  The concentration games will require students to focus in order to match the appropriate word pairs. I have included two sets of cards. The first set includes pictures with words that rhyme. The second set of cards has only pictures. These can be used for an advanced level of game play or for a student who is struggling to find the rhyming words.
Rhyme Rhyming Phonemic Awareness Activity File Folders Task Cards - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Rhyme Rhyming Phonemic Awareness Activity File Folders Task Cards - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Rhyme Rhyming Phonemic Awar... $3.97 USD
Looking for a fast, fun, and effective way to teach phonological/phonemic awareness skills? Look no further than AdaptEd's Which Word Doesn't Belong? By identifying which word doesn't rhyme with the others, students will develop an important skillset that will help them become better readers, spellers, and writers. This activity is perfect for Pre-K to 1st grade students, either in a classroom setting or at home. 20 worksheets / 60 task cards This set is ideal to be used with: Special Education  Beginning Readers Struggling Readers Pre-K to 1st Grade (RTI)
Rhyming Pictures Cards for Rhyming Practice Phonemic Awareness - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Rhyming Pictures Cards for Rhyming Practice Phonemic Awareness - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Rhyming Pictures Cards for ... $4.97 USD
Are you looking for a fun, hands-on activity to teach rhyming? Look no further than these Rhyming Word Cards! This activity set includes 206 clip cards with pictures and labels, as well as 206 cards with just pictures - perfect for differentiation.  Kids will have a blast practicing identifying rhymes, and you can use these cards for rhyming assessment too. Grab this must-have resource for your preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, RTI, SPED, early childhood, or at-home learning classroom today! Here's what you'll get: 206 rhyming clip cards with pictures and labels 206 rhyming clip cards with pictures but without labels How to use: Memory/ Concentration Game Card Game  Pocket Chart These rhyming word games can be used simply as matching games for centers or the cards can be placed face down and they can be used as concentration games.  The concentration games will require students to focus in order to match the appropriate word pairs. I have included two sets of cards. The first set includes pictures with words that rhyme. The second set of cards has only pictures. These can be used for an advanced level of game play or for a student who is struggling to find the rhyming words. Word Families and Words Included: Short A: _ab: cab, lab, crab, scab, grab _at: bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat _ad: bad, dad, pad, sad _an: man, pan, ran, tan, van _ag: bag, rag, tag, wag, gag _ap: cap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, tap, clap _am: bam, ham, jam, yam, clam _ack: back, pack, rack, sack, black, crack, shack, snack, stack, quack _ash: cash, lash, rash, sash, crash, flash, smash Short E: _ed: bed, fed, red, sled, shed _eg: beg, leg _et: jet, net, pet, vet, wet _en: hen, men, pen, ten _eck: deck, neck, check, wreck _ell: bell, cell, sell, tell, well, yell, shell, smell, spell Short I: _it: bit, fit, hit, lit, sit, quit, spit _id: big, dig, fig, pig, wig, twig _im: slim, swim, trim _ip: lip, rip, sip, drip, flip, ship, skip, slip, trip, whip _ick: kick, lick, pick, sick, brick, chick, click, stick, thick, trick _ish: fish, dish, wish _in: fin, pin, tin, win, chin, skin, spin, thin, twin Short O: _ot: dot, hot, pot, knot, spot _ob: cob, slob, rob _og: dog, fog, jog, log, frog _op: cop, hop, mop, pop, top, chop, drop, shop, stop _ock: dock, lock, rock, sock, block, clock Short U: _ut: cut, hut, nut, shut, gut _ub: cub, rub, tub _ug: bug, dug, hug, mug, pug, rug, tug, plug, slug _um: gum, drum, plum _un: bun, fun, nun, run, sun _ud: bud, mud _uck: duck, suck, yuck, cluck, stuck, truck _ush: hush, brush, crush, flush
Counting Syllables Phonemic Awareness Which Does Not Belong? - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Counting Syllables Phonemic Awareness Which Does Not Belong? - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Counting Syllables Phonemic... $3.00 USD
If you're looking for a fun, hands-on way to help your students master syllable and phonemic awareness skills, then you need AdaptEd’s Counting Syllables: Which One Does Not Belong? With 156 different words ranging from 1 to 5 syllables, this activity is perfect for use in ELA centers, literacy centers, and workstations. Repetition with variety is key to success with this important skill, and AdaptEd provides plenty of both.  Plus, these Syllable Counting pages can be used over and over again - making them a great value for your classroom. So don't wait - get AdaptEd’s Counting Syllables today and see the difference it makes in your students' reading abilities! ✅ SAVE TIME! - The syllable counting pages are easy to prep and can be used over and over again. ✅ EASY TO DIFFERENTIATE! - Ranges from 1-5 syllables per word.  ✅ KEEPS KIDS ENGAGED! This is a fun and motivating way to teach kids how to count syllables and practice phonological awareness. ✅ EASY TO USE! Identify the picture  Determine the number of syllables in each word. Draw an X on the word that has a different amount of syllables as the rest of the set. ✅ VERSATILE!  Here's what you'll get: 13 syllable counting pages Or cut into task cards. 39 task cards. This versatile product can be used as an independent activity, in small groups, or with the whole class. Just have the kids identify the picture, determine the number of syllables, and draw an X on the clapping hands icon for each syllable.  You can also bind the pages into a phonemic awareness practice workbook. Either way, your students are sure to love this fun and motivating way to learn!
Digraph Beginning Sounds I Spy Digraph Beginning Sounds I Spy
Digraph Beginning Sounds I ... $1.00 USD
Looking for a fun way to help your students practice identifying the "Sh" sound? This Beginning Sound I Spy Hunt "Sh" activity is perfect! Students mark the pictures that begin with the sound, and there are 5 different worksheets to choose from to provide plenty of repetition with variety. This is a great way to build vocabulary and practice phonemic awareness. Plus, it's NO PREP - just print and go! 5 I Spy Worksheets This set is ideal to be used with: Special Education  Beginning Readers Struggling Readers Pre-K to 1st Grade (RTI) This is perfect for: Literacy Centers Stations Morning Work Finished Bins or "I'm Finished" Work Small Groups
Digraph Beginning Sounds I Spy Digraph Beginning Sounds I Spy
Digraph Beginning Sounds I ... $1.00 USD
Looking for a fun way to help your students practice identifying the "Ch" sound? This Beginning Sound I Spy Hunt "Ch" activity is perfect! Students mark the pictures that begin with the sound, and there are 5 different worksheets to choose from to provide plenty of repetition with variety. This is a great way to build vocabulary and practice phonemic awareness. Plus, it's NO PREP - just print and go! 5 I Spy Worksheets This set is ideal to be used with: Special Education  Beginning Readers Struggling Readers Pre-K to 1st Grade (RTI) This is perfect for: Literacy Centers Stations Morning Work Finished Bins or "I'm Finished" Work Small Groups
Digraph Beginning Sounds I Spy Digraph Beginning Sounds I Spy
Digraph Beginning Sounds I ... $1.00 USD
Looking for a fun way to help your students practice identifying the "Th" sound? This Beginning Sound I Spy Hunt "Th" activity is perfect! Students mark the pictures that begin with the sound, and there are 5 different worksheets to choose from to provide plenty of repetition with variety. This is a great way to build vocabulary and practice phonemic awareness. Plus, it's NO PREP - just print and go! 5 I Spy Worksheets This set is ideal to be used with: Special Education  Beginning Readers Struggling Readers Pre-K to 1st Grade (RTI) This is perfect for: Literacy Centers Stations Morning Work Finished Bins or "I'm Finished" Work Small Groups
Long Vowel Sound Hunt Worksheets Long Vowel Sound Hunt Worksheets
Long Vowel Sound Hunt Works... $1.00 USD
Looking for a fun way to help your students practice identifying the long "U" vowel sound? This Beginning Sound I Spy Hunt long "U" activity is perfect! Students mark the pictures that begin with the sound, and there are 5 different worksheets to choose from to provide plenty of repetition with variety. This is a great way to build vocabulary and practice phonemic awareness. Plus, it's NO PREP - just print and go! 5 I Spy Worksheets This set is ideal to be used with: Special Education  Beginning Readers Struggling Readers Pre-K to 1st Grade (RTI) This is perfect for: Literacy Centers Stations Morning Work Finished Bins or "I'm Finished" Work Small Groups
Long Vowel Sound Hunt Worksheets Long Vowel Sound Hunt Worksheets
Long Vowel Sound Hunt Works... $1.00 USD
Looking for a fun way to help your students practice identifying the long "O" vowel sound? This Beginning Sound I Spy Hunt long "O" activity is perfect! Students mark the pictures that begin with the sound, and there are 5 different worksheets to choose from to provide plenty of repetition with variety. This is a great way to build vocabulary and practice phonemic awareness. Plus, it's NO PREP - just print and go! 5 I Spy Worksheets This set is ideal to be used with: Special Education  Beginning Readers Struggling Readers Pre-K to 1st Grade (RTI) This is perfect for: Literacy Centers Stations Morning Work Finished Bins or "I'm Finished" Work Small Groups
Long Vowel Sound Hunt Worksheets Long Vowel Sound Hunt Worksheets
Long Vowel Sound Hunt Works... $1.00 USD
Looking for a fun way to help your students practice identifying the long "I" vowel sound? This Beginning Sound I Spy Hunt long "I" activity is perfect! Students mark the pictures that begin with the sound, and there are 5 different worksheets to choose from to provide plenty of repetition with variety. This is a great way to build vocabulary and practice phonemic awareness. Plus, it's NO PREP - just print and go! 5 I Spy Worksheets This set is ideal to be used with: Special Education  Beginning Readers Struggling Readers Pre-K to 1st Grade (RTI) This is perfect for: Literacy Centers Stations Morning Work Finished Bins or "I'm Finished" Work Small Groups
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