Social Story: Masturbation ...
$4.97 USD
Be Prepared For Those Awkward Teachable Moments
We've Got You Covered with Straightforward Narratives & Visuals
This is a resource for educators and caregivers of individuals with disabilities who have difficulty knowing when and where it is appropriate to masturbate.
With this helpful guide, they can reduce inappropriate behaviors in the classroom, creating a more comfortable and stress-free learning environment for all.
Direct social skills instruction is extremely beneficial to students with special needs.
If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
This simple story is an effective behavior management strategy and can teach individuals on the autism spectrum (or other disabilities) where and when it's appropriate to masturbate.
Direct social skills and sex ed instruction is extremely beneficial to students with special needs.
13 page social skills story for females
13 page social skills story for males
editable version saved on Google Slides
This social story can be used before an upcoming event or read regularly.
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You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides!
So why wait? Get started today and see the difference it makes!

Social Narrative: Erection:...
$3.97 USD
Puberty Social Skills Story: Erections is a 14-page social narrative designed to help young men handle getting an erection in a public place.
The focus of the story is on describing an erection and clarifying when it's okay to touch yourself, and in what circumstances it makes other people uncomfortable.
Direct social skills instruction is beneficial to students with special needs, and this social story can be used before an upcoming event or read regularly. Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
14 page social skills story
editable version saved on Google Slides
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
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You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Social Narrative: Getting M...
$3.97 USD
Social Skills Story: Getting My Period, the perfect resource for girls who are starting to menstruate.
This 13-page social narrative describes everything girls need to know about getting their period, from the basics (like what it is and why it happens) to dealing with the sometimes awkward conversations that come up around this topic.
With simple, straightforward language and real photographs this story takes the mystery out of periods and helps girls feel more confident and prepared as they enter into this new stage of life.
13 page social skills story
editable version saved on Google Slides
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
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You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Social Skills Story: Puttin...
$3.97 USD
This story 10-page social narrative describes that describes girls need to use a pad once a month when they get their period.
We keep it simple and just go through the basics... how to open it, where it goes, and how you can practice ahead of time if you need to.
Direct social skills instruction is beneficial to students with special needs. This social story can be used before an upcoming event or read regularly.
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
This 10 page social skills story describes in detail how to put on a menstrual pad, what to do to stay clean, and puts an end to any confusion or mystery around getting your period.
With helpful photographs and straightforward language, this guide will have them feeling confident in no time.
So go ahead and pick up a copy today!
10 page social story
editable version saved on Google Slides
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
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You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Social Skills Story: My Cru...
$3.97 USD
Unrequited love can be tough to deal with, but this helpful social story can make the process a bit easier.
With easy to follow text and a real photographs, kids will understand what's happening and learn some coping strategies.
A great resource for counselors, parents and educators alike.
13 page social skills story
editable version saved on Google Slides
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷
You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Social Skills Story: Deodor...
$3.97 USD
Be Prepared For Those Awkward Teachable Moments
With Straightforward Social Narratives & Visuals
Looking for a way to help your child understand why and how to use deodorant?
Social Skills Stories: Deodorant is the perfect resource, packed with 15 pages of real-life photos and engaging text.
This social skills story describes why using deodorant can be a good idea - it's not just about smelling nice! - and helps kids feel confident about wearing it.
Perfect for children with autism or other special needs, this book will hit every point.
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
Editable Version Saved on Google Slides
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷
You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Social Skills Stories: Pube...
$43.95 USD
$58.60 USD
This bundle of social skills stories provides the language and visuals needed to talk about some of the common situations adolescents experience during puberty.
From acne to shaving, erections to periods, this resource provides all you need to help middle and high schoolers feel comfortable and confident as they navigate these sometimes difficult years.
Each story is written by an SLP in clear and concise language, accompanied by helpful visuals.
All stories are editable, so you can change them to address each adolescent's unique needs.
Social Skills Stories:
I Need To Use Deodorant
Private Parts
I Have a Boyfriends/ Girlfriend
My Crush Doesn't Feel The Same Way
Kinds of Kisses
My Voice is Changing
Putting On A Pad
Getting My Period
Period Underwear
Wearing a Bra
If we've missed one, send in a request and we'll work on making the story.

Social Narrative: Wearing a...
$3.97 USD
Getting a bra is a rite of passage for girls, and this social narrative outlines the steps involved in making that happen.
From understanding why bras are worn to picking out the perfect one, this story will help girls feel confident and prepared as they make this transition.
This 12-page social narrative describes the steps that happen around getting a bra, and wearing a bra.
With simple language and photographs, this story is perfect for girls who are going through puberty.
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
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You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Social Narrative: Shaving (...
$3.97 USD
Help your young man feel confident and prepared as he enters into the world of shaving with this helpful social story.
With clear, concise steps and photographs, this guide will help him smoothly navigate through the process.
With your support, he'll be able to handle shaving like a pro in no time!
12 page social skills story
Editable version saved on Google Slides
Electric Razon and Standard Razor Versions Included
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
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Social Narrative: I'm in a ...
$3.97 USD
Social Skills Story: I'm in a Relationship is a handy guide for tweens and young teens who are starting to explore their romantic feelings.
This 10-page story describes the "Rules" that go with having a boyfriend or girlfriend at school. The story focuses on what behavior is appropriate at school, and what behavior you should ask a trusted adult about.
If your child/student is asking about dating rules, or you want to start a conversation about them, this social story is the perfect way to do it!
10 page social skills story
editable version saved on Google Slides
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
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You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Social Skills Story: Period...
$3.97 USD
This story 12-page social narrative that describes girls can use period underwear once a month when they get their period.
We keep it simple and just go through the basics... what they are, how to use them, and when to change them.
Direct social skills instruction is beneficial to students with special needs. This social story can be used before an upcoming event or read regularly.
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
Are your students hitting that difficult age when their body is changing and growing faster than they know what to do with?
Puberty can be confusing, but don't worry - we've got the perfect guide to help you both get through it!
This 12 page social skills story describes in detail how to use period underwear, what to do to stay clean, and puts an end to any confusion or mystery around managing your period.
With helpful photographs and straightforward language, this guide will have them feeling confident in no time.
So go ahead and pick up a copy today!
12 page social story
editable version saved on Google Slides
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
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You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Social Narrative: Acne: Edi...
$3.97 USD
Puberty is an AWKWARD time
Be Prepared with Straightforward Social Narratives & Visuals
Our Puberty: Acne Social Skills Story, is an 11-page social narrative that describes the normal changes your child will experience during puberty, including pimples and acne.
This informative guide provides clear and concise information on why pimples form, how to treat them, and the best ways to cope with this common side effect of growing up.
Packed with helpful tips and advice, this guide offers reassurance and support to young people who are experiencing acne for the first time.
11 page social skill story
editable version saved on Google Slides
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷
You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Social Narrative: Voice Cha...
$3.97 USD
Going through puberty can be a confusing time for young men, and the change in their voice is just one of the many things they have to deal with. This Social Skills Story: Puberty: Voice Changing provides them with clear and concise information about why their voice cracks when they go through puberty, how they might feel, and that it's a totally normal process that happens to all young men. With easy-to-read text and helpful photographs, this puberty story will help prepare your son/student for what's happening to his body and reassure him that everything is okay.
10 page social skills story
editable version saved on Google Slides
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷
You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Kinds of Kisses Social Skil...
$3.97 USD
Kinds of Kisses Social Skills Story is a must-have for tweens and young teens starting to explore their romantic feelings.
This 15-page storybook outlines the fundamental "rules" that come with kissing. It dives deep into the different types of kisses you can give and receive, and more importantly, when such kisses should be reserved for romantic partners. The story also emphasizes the importance of consent when it comes to expressing affection.
If your child/student is asking about the kisses they see in the movies, or you want to start a conversation about them, this social story is the perfect way to do it!
15 page social skills story
editable version saved on Google Slides
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
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You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻