Social Story: Masturbation (Printable PDF)

$4.97 USD

Social Story: Masturbation (Printable PDF)

$4.97 USD
Product description

Be Prepared For Those Awkward Teachable Moments 

We've Got You Covered with Straightforward Narratives & Visuals

This is a resource for educators and caregivers of individuals with disabilities who have difficulty knowing when and where it is appropriate to masturbate.

With this helpful guide, they can reduce inappropriate behaviors in the classroom, creating a more comfortable and stress-free learning environment for all.

Direct social skills instruction is extremely beneficial to students with special needs. 

Social Narratives Benefits


If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives. 


This simple story is an effective behavior management strategy and can teach individuals on the autism spectrum (or other disabilities) where and when it's appropriate to masturbate. 

Direct social skills and sex ed instruction is extremely beneficial to students with special needs. 

  • 13 page social skills story for females
  • 13 page social skills story for males
  • editable version saved on Google Slides

This social story can be used before an upcoming event or read regularly.  


Want to edit this book? 

Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 

You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 

So why wait? Get started today and see the difference it makes!

Social Story: Masturbation (Printable PDF)

$4.97 USD
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Customer Reviews

Based on 75 reviews

I am a special education teacher. I have used this in my classroom several times. What is nice is that I am able to personalize it to the student.

Excellent resource for a sensitive subject

The review title says it all. I love the language used in this social story.


Great resource

Evelyn P.
Extremely satisfied

I really enjoy all of the social narrative stories that AdaptEd 4 Special Ed creates. This is not the first time I have purchased from them. I love that I was able to use their books and edit them specifically for the child I am working with. I was able to add photos that the child recognized (e.g., a picture of our library) and text that went with the picture. These are invaluable when teaching children how to act in various situations in a way that is positive and yet gets the message across.

Kristina Nikolova
Extremely satisfied

Good visual resource and the child I used it liked the social story.

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