Rhyming Pictures Cards for Rhyming Practice Phonemic Awareness
Are you looking for a fun, hands-on activity to teach rhyming? Look no further than these Rhyming Word Cards! This activity set includes 206 clip cards with pictures and labels, as well as 206 cards with just pictures - perfect for differentiation.
Kids will have a blast practicing identifying rhymes, and you can use these cards for rhyming assessment too. Grab this must-have resource for your preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, RTI, SPED, early childhood, or at-home learning classroom today!
Here's what you'll get:
- 206 rhyming clip cards with pictures and labels
- 206 rhyming clip cards with pictures but without labels
How to use:
- Memory/ Concentration Game
- Card Game
- Pocket Chart
These rhyming word games can be used simply as matching games for centers or the cards can be placed face down and they can be used as concentration games.
The concentration games will require students to focus in order to match the appropriate word pairs. I have included two sets of cards. The first set includes pictures with words that rhyme. The second set of cards has only pictures. These can be used for an advanced level of game play or for a student who is struggling to find the rhyming words.
Word Families and Words Included:
Short A:
_ab: cab, lab, crab, scab, grab
_at: bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat
_ad: bad, dad, pad, sad
_an: man, pan, ran, tan, van
_ag: bag, rag, tag, wag, gag
_ap: cap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, tap, clap
_am: bam, ham, jam, yam, clam
_ack: back, pack, rack, sack, black, crack, shack, snack, stack, quack
_ash: cash, lash, rash, sash, crash, flash, smash
Short E:
_ed: bed, fed, red, sled, shed
_eg: beg, leg
_et: jet, net, pet, vet, wet
_en: hen, men, pen, ten
_eck: deck, neck, check, wreck
_ell: bell, cell, sell, tell, well, yell, shell, smell, spell
Short I:
_it: bit, fit, hit, lit, sit, quit, spit
_id: big, dig, fig, pig, wig, twig
_im: slim, swim, trim
_ip: lip, rip, sip, drip, flip, ship, skip, slip, trip, whip
_ick: kick, lick, pick, sick, brick, chick, click, stick, thick, trick
_ish: fish, dish, wish
_in: fin, pin, tin, win, chin, skin, spin, thin, twin
Short O:
_ot: dot, hot, pot, knot, spot
_ob: cob, slob, rob
_og: dog, fog, jog, log, frog
_op: cop, hop, mop, pop, top, chop, drop, shop, stop
_ock: dock, lock, rock, sock, block, clock
Short U:
_ut: cut, hut, nut, shut, gut
_ub: cub, rub, tub
_ug: bug, dug, hug, mug, pug, rug, tug, plug, slug
_um: gum, drum, plum
_un: bun, fun, nun, run, sun
_ud: bud, mud
_uck: duck, suck, yuck, cluck, stuck, truck
_ush: hush, brush, crush, flush