Social Skills Stories Forever GROWING Bundle (Printable PDF)
Get our full Social Skills Stories library at your finger tips...
70,123+ social skill stories sold... and we're just getting started!
Our SLP Meg writes all of our social skill stories. She uses her classroom experience and combines it with being the mom of an autistic son to create stories that empower and engage.
Get the bundle and get all of our new stories free whenever they're released.
Direct social skills instruction is extremely beneficial to students with special needs. These can be used before an upcoming event or read regularly.
Get all of our new stories FREE whenever they're released.
School Social Narratives
- Fire Drill
- Lockdown Drill
- Earthquake Drill
- Tornado Drill
- Substitute Teacher
- Keeping My Clothes on at School
- Joining My Class
- Classroom Conversations (Think, Pair, Share)
- Bullying
- Going On a Field-trip
- New Class
- Going to Middle School
- Going to High School
- Not Answering For Others
- Riding the Bus
- Keeping My Shoes On
- I Can Control My Volume
- Phone at School
- Feeling Upset When I Don't Get Called On
- Safety With Sharp Objects: Scissors
- Understanding an Injury (teacher/adult recovering from an injury)
- Understanding School's No Pornography Rules
Hygiene Social Narratives
- All About Hygiene
- Nose Picking
- Toilet Accidents
- Wiping Myself
- Washing My Hands Before Cooking
- Leaving My Clothes On In the Restroom
- Hand Washing
Social Skills Social Narratives
Social Skills
- Accepting Feedback
- Using Appropriate Language (No Swearing)
- It's Okay to Lose
- Giving Compliments
- Feeling Sick (how to tell an adult)
- Grieving for the Loss of a Loved One
- Passing Gas
- Moving
- Private Parts
- Spitting
- Pulling Hair
- Greetings
- Personal Space
Puberty Social Narratives
Masturbation (2 books: male / female)
Putting On A Pad (Menstrual Cycle for Girls)
Erections (puberty for boys)
My Voice is Changing (puberty for boys)
I Need To Use Deodorant
I Have a Boyfriends/ Girlfriend
My Crush Doesn't Feel The Same Way
Private Parts
Getting My Period
Wearing a Bra
Community Social Narratives
- Crossing the Street
- Getting a Haircut
- Eating With Utensils
- Keeping My Shoes On
- I Can Control My Volume
- Going to the Optometrist
- Going to the Dentist
List of All Narratives Included Today
School Life
- Fire Drill
- Substitute Teacher
- Keeping My Clothes on at School
- Joining My Class
- Classroom Conversations (Think, Pair, Share)
- Bullying
- Going On a Field-trip
- New Class
- Going to Middle School
- Going to High School
- Not Answering For Others
- Riding the Bus
- Keeping My Shoes On
- I Can Control My Volume
- Phone at School
- Respecting School Property
- All About Hygiene
- Nose Picking
- Sneezing
- Toilet Accidents
- Wiping Myself
- Washing My Hands Before Cooking
- Leaving My Clothes On In The Restroom
- Hand Washing
Social Skills
- Accepting Feedback
- Using Appropriate Language (No Swearing)
- It's Okay to Lose
- Giving Compliments
- Feeling Sick (how to tell an adult)
- Grieving for the Loss of a Loved One
- Passing Gas
- Moving
- Private Parts
- Dressing for a Job Interview
- Handshake
- Spitting
- Biting
- Pulling Hair
- Personal Space
- Feeling Jealous/ Sharing Friends
- Masturbation (2 books: male / female)
- Putting On A Pad (Menstrual Cycle for Girls)
- Erections (puberty for boys)
- My Voice is Changing (puberty for boys)
- I Need To Use Deodorant
- I Have a Boyfriends/ Girlfriend
- My Crush Doesn't Feel The Same Way
- Shaving
- Private Parts
- Getting My Period
- Wearing a Bra
- Acne
Crossing the Street
Getting a Haircut
Eating With Utensils
Keeping My Shoes On
I Can Control My Volume
- Going to the Library
- Going to the Movies
Going Trick or Treating
Broken Arm
Broken Leg
Sleeping at Night
Wearing a Jacket
Wearing Glasses
Wearing Sunscreen

More to COME!
This set will continue to grow!
As we add in new stories, you will receive an email with the update.
Each time we add in a new story the price will go up!
You can also make a request!!! Click ask a question or send us a quick email ( if you have a specific social story you'd like made! (we can't make everything, but we'll do our best to create all popular requests)