Occupations: "Community Helpers" Emergent Readers 7 Book Set (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF)
Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.
Your kids will beam with pride as they learn to read independently!
Your student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence.
(Ex: I see a police man. I see a police man and a crossing guard. I see a waiter next to a cook.)
Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each)
and 1 Bonus Easy Reader: He/ She is a __________.
Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank.
I see a _______.
I see a _______ next to a _________.
I see a _______ and a ________.
He/ She is a ____________.
Picture/ Word Pieces
Sentence Strip
Included Jobs/ Occupations:
painter, waiter, delivery man, fire man, dentist, scientist, gardener, nurse, construction worker, janitor, doctor, pizza man, police man, vet, cook, teacher, crossing guard and bus driver
Great for Independent Work Station
The work has been done for you. Simply click, download, and open on a tablet or computer, and your students will up and reading in a flash.
Or you can print and bind yourself.
Grab your bundle of 7 Digital Readers now!
19 MB | 153 pages Zip File
Digital Setup
Have no time to prep? You can get started with the interactive digital versions 💻 in a matter of SECONDS.
Not minutes, seconds, seriously!
Digital Versions are saved on Google Slides™