CVC Picture Puzzle Mats (-at family words) Space Themed
Keep your students engaged in the reading process with this fun and exciting new product.
The CVC Puzzles include 16 puzzles of -at family words.
This will keep things fresh and interesting for your students, while also providing repetition that is so important for learning.
Plus, who can resist built in differentiation?!
Each level includes 2 puzzles: puzzles are differentiated by number of pieces.
Puzzles range from 2-9 pieces.
All puzzles are real photographs and are age respectful of older and younger learners alike.
Word Slides
The slides helps provide the students with a visual prompt to blend the sounds together to make the word.
It is helpful to have students use their finger to travel down the slide while combining the sounds.
After they've done that the word is written at the bottom for them to read again.
This set includes 15 puzzles. All of the puzzles use a variety of the same 9 -at family words.