Social Narrative: Wearing a Bra: Editable (Printable PDF )
Getting a bra is a rite of passage for girls, and this social narrative outlines the steps involved in making that happen.
From understanding why bras are worn to picking out the perfect one, this story will help girls feel confident and prepared as they make this transition.
This 12-page social narrative describes the steps that happen around getting a bra, and wearing a bra.
With simple language and photographs, this story is perfect for girls who are going through puberty.
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
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You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻