Social Narrative: New Baby: Editable (Printable PDF )
If you're looking for a way to help prepare your little one for the arrival of a new baby, look no further than Social Skills Stories: New Baby.
This 14-page social narrative story describes what happens when a new baby comes home, from meeting them for the first time to watching mom and dad spend time with the new addition.
It's designed to ease any anxieties your child may have about the change in family dynamics, and reassure them that they're still loved just as much.
Plus, it's editable. Fill it with their own pictures that will keep them engaged from start to finish.
So if you want to help make the transition a little bit smoother, pick up a copy of Social Skills Stories: New Baby today!
- 14-page social narrative
- Editable version saved on Google Slides
- Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of life event social narratives.
Want to edit this book?
Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷
You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻