Morning Work "All About Me"... $10.97 USD
The EVERYTHING Personal Information Bundle Our all about me book features over 64 printable book pages that allow a student to explore different aspects of themselves, and get them talking like this...  "Hi, I'm _____.” “I go to ____ School.” “My teacher is _____.” “I ride the ______ bus home.” Who is it for? Toddlers, kids, teenagers adults and seniors have mastered learning their essential personal information skills with these interactive activities.  Our All About Me Book is a life skills workbook designed for people with special needs, but can be used by anyone who needs to master their personal information.  It provides visual supports and prompts to help them learn essential life skills, increasing their independence at home, school and in the community. This book will give your loved one/ students the tools that will allow him or her to lead a happier life by increasing their independence. You can order this book now and start using it today!   📸 This set includes real photographs and is appropriate for all ages.  Easy Differentiation:  Pages are designed for multiple levels of differentiation: tracing, adapted pieces, writing + digital versions: drag and drop/ typing make it easier to practice personal information know matter what level your students are at. This way they're able to go at their own pace & can work any the specific skills they need help with.  What's Included Printable Fully editable text Standard printer friendly prints 8.5x11 sheets Instant Access Tracing, Writing, Adapted Pieces  DOES NOT INCLUDE SPIRAL BOUND Digital  Ready to go- no need to print or prep Drag and drop features  Typing activities  Personal Information: 🎂 Age, Grade, Birthday 👁️ Eye Color 👱🏻 Hair Color 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family Members Names: (Mom, dad, sister, brother, editable) 👩 👨Gender 🏘️ Address (street number, city, state, zip code) ☎️ Phone Number School Information: 🏫 School Name (generic pic/ editable) 👩🏾‍🏫 Teacher Name, Therapists Name 🧒 Who is in your class at school? Classmates Names 🎒 Classroom Number 🚌 Bus Number 🥪 School Lunch Number 🚸 How I get to school? How I get home from school… 🎨 What special do I have today? 👕 Identify the color of the clothes you’re wearing (shirt, pants) 🙃 Identify how you feel today (with emoji's) 🕗 Time school starts/ ends 📧 Email Address, Email Password FAQs Do I need to purchase 1 per student? No, buy once, and use it for years to come. Each license includes unlimited use for each purchasers personal use.   Make a copy for each of your students at no additional charge. We do ask that school districts pay for 1 per teacher.   Is there any specific software I need to edit this? What kind of software?   Customizing is a cinch! And free! :) Add in photographs and type in personal information with Adobe Reader or Google Slides.  Will the All About Me Book be sent to me as real books or are they only digital?   *This is not a physical product.* It will be delivered to you immediately upon purchase via email.  Are these American spelling or Australian?  All text is fully editable. Comes with both US spelling and Australian spelling copies.  Printable Book Comes In: English, Spanish, French and Filipino  Does it come with map and states of Australia?   Yes! Australian specific map, postcode and phone number pages are included.  Does it come with map and states of Canada?   Yes! Canada specific map, postcode and phone number pages are included.  Does it come in Spanish?  Yes, the set includes: English, Spanish, French and Filipino Versions.  Does it come in French?  Yes, the set includes: English, Spanish, French and Filipino Versions. 
Answering Simple Questions Adapted Book BUNDLE (Printable PDF + Digital) Wh Questions - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Answering Simple Questions Adapted Book BUNDLE (Printable PDF + Digital) Wh Questions - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Answering Simple Questions ... $35.97 USD
These easy-to-use books teach: counting, colors, sights words and sentence structure. Do you want to help your students become more engaged in their learning?These books are perfect for any student who needs a little extra practice with answering questions. With 7 levels of difficulty, these books will meet the unique needs of every learner! Purchase your copy today! What's Included: Printable Standard printer friendly. Prints 8.5x11 sheets Instant Access 7 Differentiated levels for each unit. 56 Printable Books DOES NOT INCLUDE SPIRAL BOUND Digital  Ready to go- No need to print or prep Drag and drop features  7 Differentiated levels for each unit. 56 Digital Books Units 🔺 Shapes 🔢 Numbers 🔤 Letters  🦈 Ocean Animals  🐞 Insects 🚗 Cars 🍭 Lollipops 🖍️ Crayons  Many of our students thrive on repetitive instruction- but that doesn't mean you have to hand them the same boring task over and over again... Keep your lessons feeling fresh with different themed books. 172 pages total + All Books are printable ️or Drag and Drop Digital with Google Slides  172 pages total + All Books Can Be Printed 🖨️ Or Used Interactively with Google Slides  💻 Who is it for? Our Adapted Book bundle have been designed for people with special needs, but can be used by anyone who needs to master these basic skills.  7 differentiated levels included to ensure that these book will meet the unique needs of YOUR child/students.  Get your students engaged in their learning with these hands-on interactive books.  Students match the corresponding pictures to answer the questions while simultaneously writing an I see... sentence. (Ex: I see 6 blue crayons.)  Digital Setup  Get started with the interactive digital versions 💻 in a matter of SECONDS... Digital Versions are saved on Google Slides™   French These books are now translated into French.  Both the printable and interactive digital versions included.
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