Social Skills Story: Passing Gas | Farting (Printable PDF)
$3.97 USD
Product description
Be Prepared For Those AWKWARD Teachable Moments
With Straightforward Social Narratives & Visuals
Passing gas is a natural bodily function, but it can sometimes be embarrassing.
This bathroom social skills story helps to explain why people pass gas and how to behave when someone does.
It's perfect for kids who are just learning about this common occurrence, and can help to build confidence when dealing with any possible awkwardness.
Perfect for children with autism or other special needs, this book will hit every point.
- 11 page social skills story
Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
Editable Version Saved on Google Slides
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of puberty related social narratives.
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