Social Skills Story: Making Friends | Asking a Friend to Play: Editable (Printable PDF )
$3.97 USD
Product description
This social skills story is perfect for helping your students learn how to ask a friend to play.
The story is 9 pages long and talks about how you can go about asking someone to play with you, and what to do if they say yes or no.
This product is editable, so you can customize it to fit your students' needs.
- 9 Page Social Skills Story
- Editable Text
- Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.
P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of Social Skills Stories.
Want to edit this book?
Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷
You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻