Career Readiness Job Skills and Chores (Printable PDF)

$29.99 USD

Career Readiness Job Skills and Chores (Printable PDF)

$29.99 USD
Product description

Prepare for Life Beyond School

Getting your kids ready for life beyond school is a difficult task, especially without the right resources. 

You need something that will teach them real-life skills and get them career-ready, but is also more than just a jobs chart. 

Our career readiness curriculum is fully customizable, as well as age-appropriate. 

All wrapped up in an easy-to-implement, comprehensive system that's designed to carry your them through every aspect of career readiness.

Take a look and see why this is so much more than just some ordinary classroom jobs posters... 




Step by step visual supports 



Real images (no cartoons!)


Social Narratives 


Job applications (3 levels) 


Interview System


Paycheck System



Money handling practice


Job review & feedback acceptance


Employee of the Month



Editable text 


Workplace Vocabulary Stories

Workplace Vocabulary Stories explore words that are essential for everyday work life. 
Using real pictures and simplified language, these stories teach students words they will need for the rest of their lives and careers... "Paycheck" being just one of them. :) 

    Social Narratives 

    Social narratives explore social constructs, like the ever-important "handshake"- that are crucial for getting and keeping a job. 

    Handshake: we all know that first impressions count. Ensure that your students know the appropriate greeting for an interview or important event by teaching them with real images. 

    Dress for Success: Help your students to know the types of clothing that are appropriate for an interview- and WHY it matters! 

    Hygiene: We are helping to forge the next generation of adults. Possibly the most functional and crucial thing that we can teach our students is how to take care of their own bodies. 

    Knowing how to stay clean and healthy and how our hygiene affects us socially is a MUST. 

    Job Skills Practice

    It's so important that students can begin to recognize what skills are required for a job.

    This allows them to practice, prepare, identify he best jobs for them, and eventually have a deeper understanding of personal strengths. 


    • Classroom job positions with descriptions
    • List of “helpful skills” to accompany each job position
    • Practice job applications with 3 levels of difficulty for differentiation
    • Interview System
    • Class paycheck system
    • Full classroom purchase/reward system included
    • Money handling practice
    • Job review system (for building self-monitoring skills, independence and feedback acceptance skills
    • Employee of the Month System included
    • 18 Job/ Chores Step By Step Printable Posters 


    Career Readiness Job Skills and Chores (Printable PDF)

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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 18 reviews
    Edina Irwin

    Good value for the money.

    Dawn Hoffman
    I love this resource

    This was great for my classroom and students. It is very practical and helps prepare my students for life after high school.

    Judy Fenerty

    Great resource!

    Laura Smith
    Career Interest Survey (Printable PDF)

    This is a great resource for students that need visuals when you are completing an inventory. It's perfect for IEP student information.

    Lisa Drucker
    The greatest survey for transition plan

    Students with all abilities can used this easy to administer career interest assessment. The pictures are so clear and display the choice with REAL LIFE scenarios. The Price should be 20 dollars higher! What a great tool! .

    Questions? We're here to help: 714.598.9550