Social Skills Story: Sharing My Friend | Feeling Jealous: Editable (Printable PDF )

$3.97 USD

Social Skills Story: Sharing My Friend | Feeling Jealous: Editable (Printable PDF )

$3.97 USD
Product description

We all know how tough it can be to handle jealousy, especially when we see our friends playing with someone else.

This 13-page social skills story is designed to help you develop the tools your students need to cope with jealousy in a healthy way.

Using easy-to-understand language, the story will guide them through valuable strategies for managing their emotions and navigating difficult social situations.

And the best part? This social skills story is fully editable, so you can customize it to fit your specific needs.

Whether you choose to print it out and bind it into a book or read it digitally on any device, this resource is sure to become a go-to tool in your toolbox.


So don't let jealousy hold your students back - order Sharing Friends and Feeling Jealous Social Skills Story today and give your students the support they need to thrive socially!

  • 13 Page Social Skills Story
  • Editable Text
  • Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices.

P.S. If you like this book, you may be interested in checking out our full collection of Social Skills Stories.


Want to edit this book? 

Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷

You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Social Skills Story: Sharing My Friend | Feeling Jealous: Editable (Printable PDF )

$3.97 USD
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