Old MacDonald Nursery Rhyme Emergent Reader + Reading Comprehension (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Old MacDonald Nursery Rhyme Emergent Reader + Reading Comprehension (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Old MacDonald Nursery Rhyme... $3.97 USD
Introducing the Old MacDonald Had a Farm Rhyme Emergent Reader + Reading Comprehension! This reader is adapted from classic nursery rhymes, rewritten with core vocabulary (aka sight words) for easier reading. The simplified language makes it perfect for students just starting to build their reading skills. Plus, the included reading comprehension questions help to further develop their understanding of the story. [ P R O D U C T • I N C L U D E S ] Emergent Readers Emergent Reader of Old MacDonald Had a Farm Old MacDonald Had a Farm Nursery Rhyme Song Version Reading Comprehension Accompaniment Visuals for Characters Visuals for Settings An Event Sequencing Task Visual Comprehension Questions [ R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S ] Use on your iPad/ tablet to save on printing costs. Project the book for the entire class to see, and avoid printing anything. P.S. If you like this book you might want to check out our Fairy Tale bundle. Get 30% off when you purchase the full set.
The Wheels on the Bus Nursery Rhyme Emergent Reader + Reading Comprehension (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd The Wheels on the Bus Nursery Rhyme Emergent Reader + Reading Comprehension (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
The Wheels on the Bus Nurse... $3.97 USD
Introducing the The Wheels on the Bus Rhyme Emergent Reader + Reading Comprehension! This reader is adapted from classic nursery rhymes, rewritten with core vocabulary (aka sight words) for easier reading. The simplified language makes it perfect for students just starting to build their reading skills. Plus, the included reading comprehension questions help to further develop their understanding of the story. [ P R O D U C T • I N C L U D E S ] Emergent Readers Emergent Reader of The Wheels on the Bus The Wheels on the Bus Nursery Rhyme Song Version Reading Comprehension Accompaniment Visuals for Characters Visuals for Settings An Event Sequencing Task Visual Comprehension Questions [ R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S ] Use on your iPad/ tablet to save on printing costs. Project the book for the entire class to see, and avoid printing anything. P.S. If you like this book you might want to check out our Fairy Tale bundle. Get 30% off when you purchase the full set.
-31% sale
Grocery Store Shopping Lists Mega Bundle (Interactive Digital Sets + Printable PDF's) Shopping Lists - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Grocery Store Shopping Lists Mega Bundle (Interactive Digital Sets + Printable PDF's) Shopping Lists - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Grocery Store Shopping List... $73.31 USD $104.79 USD
In 2019, only 30.9% of people with disabilities (ages 16-64) were employed.  It's out mission to change that!  It's time to build the skills they'll need for a bight future TODAY.  This set includes 7 sets of Shopping Lists Activities that mimic different grocery story aisles.  🍎 Fruits and Vegetables🥫 Canned Foods🍟 Chips and Snacks🍦 Ice-Cream🥤 Drinks and Sodas 🥣 Cereal🛒 Mixed Foods     Included Digital Activities: Watch the video below to see one of the digital versions in action! + printables make it quick and easy for techies and non techies alike...   Shopping List -175 Shopping Lists with Printable Hands-On Manipulatives + Visual Supports: Drag and drop virtual activity  Shopping Lists: Reading - 175 Written Orders Shopping Lists with Printable Hands-On Manipulatives + Visual Supports: Drag and drop virtual activity Included Printable Activities: "Is this what's on the list?: Yes/no" - 175 task cards ""What's wrong with this basket?" (choose the food that shouldn't be there)" - 175 task cards "What's missing from the list?" (choose the item that is missing) - 175 task cards Shopping List: 175 Shopping Lists with Printable Hands-On Manipulatives + Visual Supports Shopping List: Reading 175 Written Lists with Printable Hands-On Manipulatives  Digital Setup:  You can get started with the interactive digital versions 💻 in a matter of SECONDS.  The PDF download contains the links to the digital version as well as the print option. This set can also be printed and used as a hands-on task bin.  Digital Versions are saved on Google Slides™   You can use this on either a computer, Chromebook or tablet. This video walks you through the steps to getting this setup and into your student's hands! Everything is ready to go- your students can be using these in just a few minutes. 
Describe It: Adjectives Set (Printable PDF) Adapted Book - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Describe It: Adjectives Set (Printable PDF) Adapted Book - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Describe It: Adjectives Set... $5.97 USD
Those pesky adjectives!   They can be such a sticking point for our students.  Are you familiar with the “freeze face” that happens when you ask your student to think of a describing word?  We are!  That’s why we developed a system to support our students while they are learning to describe.  Visual supports help the students to feel grounded and more comfortable making their own decisions. This product includes visual supports/charts to help students describe (RECEPTIVELY and EXPRESSIVELY!)  in five different areas:  Food Animals People Vehicles Toys Contains two “How it works” pages explaining the receptive cut and paste tasks and the expressive charting & sentence writing tasks.  You will loooove the simplicity of this re-useable material.   The receptive tasks focus on teaching the meaning of common adjectives.  The expressive tasks include charts where the students choose from a selection of available adjectives, a word bank where they collect their adjectives, and a fill-in-the-blank sentence strip where they put it all together.  Oh- and did we mention that this is NO PREP?!?!?  Simply print and GO.  You’re welcome :) But the best part?  At the end of the task your students will have created their own UNIQUE sentences that include at least 2 describing words!   Make it a party and have each student share their own special sentence!  
Colors in the Real World 10 Book Set + 44 File Folders (Printable PDF + Digital Interactive) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Colors in the Real World 10 Book Set + 44 File Folders (Printable PDF + Digital Interactive) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Colors in the Real World 10... $29.97 USD
10 Color Hunt Worksheets These Color Hunt Worksheets are perfect for students who want to improve their identification skills. Students will have to mark all of the objects on the sheet that are the color in order to complete the worksheet. With 10 different sheets, students will have plenty of practice. 20 Read and Color Worksheets  Develop your child's reading comprehension and fine motor skills with these fun and educational color word worksheets! Featuring 20 engaging pictures, this set provides plenty of practice for youngsters as they learn to read and identify different colors. Plus, the engaging designs will keep them entertained while they improve their skills! 10 Colors in the Real World Books:  All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization.  Colors sorts are a great way to teach colors, and these books give learners real images to help them describe everyday items.  44 Colors File Folder Sorts: (Printable and Digital Interactive)  PRINTABLE: PDF | ZIP FILE | 10 BOOKS: 20 PAGES EACH BOOK | 44 PRINTALBE FILE FOLDERS DIGITAL INTERACTIVE:  SAVED ON GOOGLE SLIDES |  44 DIGITAL FILE FOLDERS  Australian Spelling Version  10 Colour Hunt Worksheets 20 Read and Colour Worksheets  44 Colors File Folder Sorts: (Printable and Digital Interactive)  10 Colours in the Real World Books:  All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization.  Colors sorts are a great way to teach colors, and these books give learners real images to help them describe everyday items. 
Pizza Shop Pizza Shop
Pizza Shop "Fill The Order"... $14.97 USD
In 2019, only 30.9% of people with disabilities (ages 16-64) were employed.  It's out mission to change that!  It's time to build the skills they'll need for a bight future TODAY.  Included Digital Activities:   Fill the Order: 25 Orders with Printable Hands-On Manipulatives + Visual Supports: Drag and drop virtual activity  Fill the Order: Reading 25 Written Orders with Printable Hands-On Manipulatives + Visual Supports: Drag and drop virtual activity Included Printable Activities: "Is the order correct?" - 25 task cards "What's wrong with this order?" - 25 task cards "What's missing from this order?" - 25 task cards Fill the Order: 25 Orders with Printable Hands-On Manipulatives + Visual Supports Fill the Order: Reading 25 Written Orders with Printable Hands-On Manipulatives  Digital Setup:  Have no time to prep?  You can get started with the interactive digital versions 💻 in a matter of SECONDS.  The PDF download contains the links to the digital version as well as the print option. This set can also be printed and used as a hands-on task bin.  Digital Versions are saved on Google Slides™   You can use this on either a computer, Chromebook or tablet.
Descriptive Writing Unit: Ice Cream Sundaes (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Descriptive Writing Unit: I... $4.95 USD
This simple unit is highly visual, and provides the necessary support for your students to be able to make choices, sequence the activity and write about it. We like to finish the unit with an ice-cream sundae party where each student makes the ice-cream sundae they described.  This is a great way to encourage your students to pay attention to the details! 😉 Details 11 Page PDF Students will first get to choose which flavor ice cream, syrup flavor, and toppings they would like on their sundae by using visual supports and a sentence starter.  Then they get to "build" their sundaes step-by-step by using the cut-out picture cards.  To complete the activity, students will write a sentence describing what they chose to include in their sundae and how it tasted.
Task Cards: How Many Bills Do I Pay With? Fast Food: Canadian Currency (Printable PDF) Money Awareness - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Task Cards: How Many Bills Do I Pay With? Fast Food: Canadian Currency (Printable PDF) Money Awareness - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Task Cards: How Many Bills ... $8.00 USD
Want to Make Your CBI Trips More Effective? Stop Your Students From Digging Into Their Pockets & Pulling Out Their Entire Wad of Cash Just to Pay for a Candy Bar... This Set Gives Your Students the Hands-On Classroom Prep They Need to Go Out Into the Community & Pay With Confidence  Next dollar up is a fantastic skill, but most of the time you don't have the exact right bills to pay to the next dollar.  Now you can conquer teaching your students how many of each bill they should use when paying and watching your students hand over their whole wad of cash will soon be a distant memory.  :)  Set up is so easy, just print and laminate! Clip or circle the number of bills they need to make the purchase.  360 Task Cards (4 per page) ✓ 10 sets total:  $1 coins, $2 coins, and $5, $10, $20 dollar bills✓2 Levels of Differentiation. (counting supports over bills, just bills) ✓ Editable Data Sheets✓ Low Prep✓ Functional Life Skill   PDF | 15.6MB | 102 Pages All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization and independence.
Task Cards: How Many Bills Do I Pay With? Burger Joint: Australian Currency (Printable PDF) Money Awareness - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Task Cards: How Many Bills Do I Pay With? Burger Joint: Australian Currency (Printable PDF) Money Awareness - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Task Cards: How Many Bills ... $8.00 USD
Want to Make Your CBI Trips More Effective? Stop Your Students From Digging Into Their Pockets & Pulling Out Their Entire Wad of Cash Just to Pay for a Candy Bar... This Set Gives Your Students the Hands-On Classroom Prep They Need to Go Out Into the Community & Pay With Confidence  Next dollar up is a fantastic skill, but most of the time you don't have the exact right bills to pay to the next dollar.  Now you can conquer teaching your students how many of each bill they should use when paying and watching your students hand over their whole wad of cash will soon be a distant memory.  :)  Set up is so easy, just print and laminate! Clip or circle the number of bills they need to make the purchase.  600 Task Cards (4 per page) ✓ 10 sets total:  $1 coins, $2 coins, and $5, $10, $20 dollar bills✓2 Levels of Differentiation. (counting supports over bills, just bills) ✓ Editable Data Sheets✓ Low Prep✓ Functional Life Skill   PDF | 15.6MB | 168 Pages All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization and independence.
On Top of Spaghetti (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd On Top of Spaghetti (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
On Top of Spaghetti (Printa... $3.97 USD
This CORE vocabulary emergent reader was created to bring the joy of nursery rhymes to all students.  These traditional rhymes are rewritten using CORE vocabulary, while still maintaining their classic value. Each is told with simple, high frequency, functional language. We hope your students will enjoy practicing and reading with CORE! Reading this familiar tale helps to build confidence and expand students' reading and comprehension skills.  Details 11-page Emergent Reader of On Top of Spaghetti + Reading Comprehension Accompaniment  Visuals for Characters  Visuals for Settings An Event Sequencing Task 3 Visual Comprehension Questions Use on your iPad/ tablet to save on printing costs. Teaching core vocabulary allows students the chance to do more than just get their needs and wants met, but to develop authentic language skills! 
Counting: Christmas Ornaments 🎄 (Printable PDF) Adapted Book - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Counting: Christmas Ornaments 🎄 (Printable PDF) Adapted Book - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Counting: Christmas Ornamen... $3.50 USD
✔️Print and go + store easily in a pencil pouch or pencil case.  ✔️Independent Practice ✔️3 Differentiated Levels ✔️Numbers 1-10 Comes with 3 sets. Challenge your students at their current level.  Level 1 (Count with Me): This is the simplest set, that lets your students become independent with 1:1 correspondence. Both ornaments and numbers are pictured, so your student can count along as they place their dough balls or fingerprints on the cards. Level 2 (Visual Supports): Visual supports alone, give your student a placeholder for each fingerprint or dough ball. Level 3 (Count On Your Own): Just the Christmas tree is shown here. Your student is expected to look at the number and create the correct amount of fingerprints or dough balls to match it.   BONUS Adding Candles to the Menorah (Hanukkah) set included! PDF | 45 Pages | 14.8 MB  
Follow the Shopping List: Fruits and Veggies (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) Shopping List - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Follow the Shopping List: Fruits and Veggies (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) Shopping List - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Follow the Shopping List: F... $14.97 USD
These interactive shopping list activities are the perfect grab and go life skills training task. Includes all REAL PICTURES so it is appropriate for all ages, no kiddish clip art graphics! Included Digital Activities:   Shopping List: 25 lists with Visual Supports drag and drop virtual activity to add the items to the basket.  Shopping List: 25 Written lists with drag and drop virtual activity to add the items to the basket.  Included Printable Activities: "Is this on the list?" - 25 task cards "What's missing from the list?" - 25 task cards "What's wrong with this basket?" - 25 task cards Shopping List + Visual Supports: 25 Shopping Lists + Printable Hands-On Manipulatives. Students follow the list and place the items into the basket.  Shopping List: Reading 25 Written Lists: 25 Shopping Lists + Printable Hands-On Manipulatives. Students read each list and place the items into the basket.  Digital Setup:  The PDF download contains the links to the digital version as well as the print option. This set can also be printed and used as a hands-on task bin.  Digital Versions are saved on Google Slides™    
AdaptEd Phonics: Set 1 (Ships to You) Phonics - AdaptEd4SpecialEd AdaptEd Phonics: Set 1 (Ships to You) Phonics - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
AdaptEd Phonics: Set 1 (Shi... $229.00 USD
In only 10 minutes a day, you can teach a special learner how to READ!  Scroll down to learn more...
Measurement: Feet or Inches (Digital Interactive & Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Measurement: Feet or Inches (Digital Interactive & Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Measurement: Feet or Inches... $3.99 USD
Estimate Measurement Length with feet or inches with this adapted book. [ P R O D U C T • I N C L U D E S ] 20 adaptable pages each book 40 picture pieces The book can be printed, laminated and bound or pages can be put in sheet protectors. Velcro or dry erase markers can be used to indicate the correct answer. Instructions of set up and all picture pieces are included!
Farm Animal Counting Puzzles: Counting 1-5 1-10 11-20 21-30 (Printable PDF) Farm Animal Counting Puzzles: Counting 1-5 1-10 11-20 21-30 (Printable PDF)
Farm Animal Counting Puzzle... $3.97 USD
Have fun practicing counting with AdaptEd's Farm Animal-themed Counting Puzzles! Every puzzle features a different scene, so kids can enjoy lots of repetition without getting bored. And when it's time to put them away, store them in a zip top snack bag, pouch or binder for easy storage and organization. These are great for use in small groups, as fast finishers or independent work stations. They can also be used in math centers or as a warm-up to your lesson plan. Students get the opportunity to point to and read the skip counting pattern as they assemble their puzzles, providing both verbal and visual reinforcement. So grab a set today and provide your students with an engaging way to practice counting! Prep is easy as 1-2-3: Print (card stock is recommended for durability) Laminate Cut This set includes 40 skip counting puzzles. 10 Puzzles of Each Counting 1-5 Counting 1-10 Counting 11-20 Counting 21-30 Puzzles are created 1 to a page.

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