-30% sale
I see... Animals Book BUNDLE: 6 Thematic Units (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd I see... Animals Book BUNDLE: 6 Thematic Units (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
I see... Animals Book BUNDL... $31.50 USD $45.00 USD
The Adapted Books Your Students Need to Boost Their Skills Practice identifying common animals, while working on beginning writing skills and sentences structure. Order now and receive BOTH printable and digital versions of each book.  Who is it for? This highly engaging set of pre-emergent readers will give your non-readers the confidence they need to begin reading instruction by using repetitive and predictive story text. 18 Book Set: +4 Differentiated Levels/Book Visually Supported Text: I see a (animal).    Interactive Sentence Strip: I see a ______.   Text Only  📸 This set includes real photographs and is appropriate for all ages.  What's Included Printable PDFS Standard printer friendly prints 8.5x11 sheets Instant Access  6 Thematic Animal Units  54 Printable Leveled Readers  DOES NOT INCLUDE SPIRAL BOUND BOOKS   Digital  Ready to go- no need to print or prep Drag and drop features  6 Thematic Units: 60 Interactive Digital Readers  4 Differentiated Levels  Level 1: Picture Drag and Drop Level 2: Picture Support Sentence Strip Level 3: World Only Sentence Strip Level 4: Type the Sentence 
Crayons: Adapted Book and Emergent Readers 4 Book Set (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Crayons: Adapted Book and Emergent Readers 4 Book Set (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Crayons: Adapted Book and E... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Example Sentences: I see 3 red crayons. I see a blue crayon. I see a purple crayon and a pink crayon. I see a green crayon next to an orange crayon. 20 MB | 105 pages Zip File  Includes 1 Adapted Book & 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each)  Adapted Book:  How Many? What Color? What? 10 Adaptable Pages A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank. I see a _______. I see a _______ next to a _________. I see a _______ and a ________. Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip Numbers 1-10Colors: blue, green, pink, red, purple, light blue, light green, dark green orange, yellow, grey, teal. 
Occupations: Occupations:
Occupations: "Community Hel... $8.00 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  Your kids will beam with pride as they learn to read independently!   Details Your student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. (Ex: I see a police man. I see a police man and a crossing guard. I see a waiter next to a cook.)  Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each) and 1 Bonus Easy Reader: He/ She is a __________. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank. I see a _______. I see a _______ next to a _________. I see a _______ and a ________. He/ She is a ____________.Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip Included Jobs/ Occupations: painter, waiter, delivery man, fire man, dentist, scientist, gardener, nurse, construction worker, janitor, doctor, pizza man, police man, vet, cook, teacher, crossing guard and bus driverGreat for Independent Work Station  The work has been done for you.  Simply click, download, and open on a tablet or computer, and your students will up and reading in a flash. Or you can print and bind yourself.  Grab your bundle of 7 Digital Readers now! 19 MB | 153 pages Zip File  Digital Setup  Have no time to prep?  You can get started with the interactive digital versions 💻 in a matter of SECONDS.  Not minutes, seconds, seriously!  Digital Versions are saved on Google Slides™    
Emergent Reader Transportation Vehicles (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Emergent Reader Transportation Vehicles (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Emergent Reader Transportat... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  Hands-On Sentence Strips Make these readers irresistibly interactive.   49 MB|199 pages Zip File  Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 3 versions of each) A total of 9 easy readers are included in this set.  Each set comes with a visual supports sentence strip at the bottom, fill in the blank (vehicles), as well as a text only version.I see a _______. I see a _______ next to a _________. I see a _______ and a ________. Your student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page,  Use the adaptable pieces to fill in the blanks, or match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Limited Time Bonus: 2 Spanish and 2 Filipino Readers Vehicles/ Transportation: School Bus, Bus, Airplane, Boat, Truck, Fire Truck, Garbage Truck, Helicopter, Semi-Truck, Motorcycle, Racecar, car, ambulance, police car, train, and ship.
-32% sale
Nursery Rhymes Emergent Readers + Comprehension Bundle (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Nursery Rhymes Emergent Readers + Comprehension Bundle (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Nursery Rhymes Emergent Rea... $29.97 USD $44.00 USD
Introducing the Nursery Rhymes Emergent Reader Bundle - a selection of classic rhymes rewritten using core vocabulary, designed to help students build language, reading, and reading comprehension skills. This bundle includes versions of 11 popular nursery rhymes, each adapted to make use of sight words and other high-frequency words. Reading these familiar rhymes will help to boost confidence and expand your students' reading abilities. So let's get started with some classic fun that helps young readers grow! [ P R O D U C T • I N C L U D E S ] 22 Emergent Readers Level 1: Nursery Rhyme Song Reader Level 2: Nursery Rhyme Core Word (aka sight words) version Reading Comprehension Accompaniment Visuals for Characters Visuals for Settings Story Event Sequencing Task Visual Comprehension Questions Nursery Rhymes: Mary had a Little Lamb The Wheels on the Bus Jack and Jill The Itsy Bitsy Spider Baa Baa Black Sheep Humpty Dumpty The Five Little Ducks On Top of Spaghetti 5 Little Monkeys Sing a Song of Six Pence Old MacDonald [ R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S ] Use on your iPad/ tablet to save on printing costs. Project the book for the entire class to see, and avoid printing anything.
Emergent Reader Emergent Reader
Emergent Reader "I see... F... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  Looking for more books? Click here to checkout the full set of "I see Animals" readers.  How it Works  The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Ex: I see a horse. I see a pig and a horse. I see a goat next to a pig. What's Included 12 MB | 102 pages Zip File   Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each)  A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank.  I see a _______.  I see a _______ next to a _________.  I see a _______ and a ________.  Text Only Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip  Farm Animals: goat, cow, pig, chicken, donkey, horse, turkey, duck, sheep, rabbit, dog
Emergent Readers: Dinosaurs (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Emergent Readers: Dinosaurs (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Emergent Readers: Dinosaurs... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Ex: I see a Tyrannosaurus Rex. I see a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Triceratops. I see a Stegosaurus and a Brontosaurus.  Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each)  A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank.  I see a _______.  I see a _______ next to a _________.  I see a _______ and a ________.  Text Only Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip  12 MB | 102 pages Zip File 
Shapes: Adapted Book and Emergent Readers 4 Book Set (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Shapes: Adapted Book and Emergent Readers 4 Book Set (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Shapes: Adapted Book and Em... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  How it Works  Interactive Sentence Strip  The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Ex: I see 3 red circles. I see a square. I see a square and a circle. I see a heart next to a square. 40 MB | 105 pages Zip File  Includes 1 Adapted Book & 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each)  Adapted Book:  How Many? What Color? What? 9 Adaptable Pages A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank. I see a _______. I see a _______ next to a _________. I see a _______ and a ________.    Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip Colors: red, green, yellow, blue, brown, purple, orange, pink and whiteShapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, star, rhombus/diamond, heart, oval, and pentagon
Emergent Readers: Space (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Emergent Readers: Space (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Emergent Readers: Space (In... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Examples:  I see Earth.  I see Earth and Mars. I see a space capsule and asteroids. INCLUDED*  Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each)  A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank.  I see a _______.  I see a _______ next to a _________.  I see a _______ and a ________.  Text Only Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip  12 MB | 102 pages Zip File 
Emergent Readers 5 Book Set: Printed Books Ships to You - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Emergent Readers 5 Book Set: Printed Books Ships to You - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Emergent Readers 5 Book Set... $59.99 USD
Specifically written and designed for students with special needs, this set of 5 books is highly engaging, with colorful and vivid images, and attention-grabbing themes.  They focus on essential skills such as improving reading fluency, teaching sight words, and building CORE vocabulary.  Skills that are needed to help your child read more confidently, naturally, and eventually, independently. Not only that, but also included with each book is the option to print and use sentence strips, making them interactive so students feel ENGAGED in their reading. Professionally printed on-demand in the US. Use code WEPAYSHIPPING at checkout to get FREE shipping (in the US) today.  Books Each book is printed with a high gloss, durable cover, and measures 8.25” x 8.25”.  Important note: these are printed on demand and delivery takes approximated 2-3 weeks. Book 1 - VERBS 38 pages Teaches action words and how to use them in sentences Builds proper pronoun usage. (He/ She is... )    Book 2 - How Many? What Color? What Is It? Crayons 20 pages Focuses on answering simple questions Tackles basic concepts, counting skills and colors identification Book 3 - I Like… I Don’t Like… To Eat 19 pages Works on expressing opinions with proper sentence structure This emergent reader builds core language, and expressing opinions is a high interest topic! Book 4 - I See… Vehicles 19 pages This high interest emergent reader will get your students reading independently! Simple sentence structure and core vocabulary also helps improve MLU. (mean length of utterance) Book 5 - I See… Pets 56 pages This high interest emergent reader will get your students reading independently! Simple sentence structure and core vocabulary also helps improve MLU. (mean length of utterance) Details This easy reader is a great tool to motivate reluctant and struggling readers to “read” along with you, or independently. The simple and repetitive sentence structure is a great way to increase language and MLU (mean length of utterance) with struggling learners.
Emergent Reader Emergent Reader
Emergent Reader "I see... P... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  Looking for more books? Click here to checkout the full set of "I see Animals" readers.  How it Works The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Ex: I see a dog. I see a dog and a cat. I see a hamster next to a bird. What's Included 13 MB| 102 pages Zip File  Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each) A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank. I see a _______. I see a _______ next to a _________. I see a _______ and a ________. Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip Pet Animals: Dog, Cat, Fish, Guinea Pig, Frog, Bird, Lizard, Snake, Rat, Rabbit, Ferret, and Hamster
Elf Hunt: Emergent Reader (Printable PDF) Core Vocabulary - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Elf Hunt: Emergent Reader (... $3.50 USD
This Emergent Reader focuses on the repetitive phrases "Where is it?" and "Here it is!" with 20 engaging pages of finding the ELF. The phrases are made up of sight words/ core vocabulary. This is a fun engaging book, for your earliest readers or AAC users to enjoy! Modeling and repetition are important parts of core vocabulary learning and instruction. You may notice that some products contain repetitive refrains or frequent repetitions of the same core words. This is done with the intent of getting the most repetition and practice possible while still having fun! PDF | 20 Pages | 4 MB 
Emergent Reader Fairy Tale BUNDLE + Reading Comprehension (Printable PDF's) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Emergent Reader Fairy Tale BUNDLE + Reading Comprehension (Printable PDF's) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Emergent Reader Fairy Tale ... $29.97 USD
This fairy tale story set was created to bring the joy of fairy tales to all students. Each is told with simple, high frequency, functional language. Your emergent readers will light up when they realize they can read these familiar tales independently. Includes: 17 Emergent/ Easy Readers + Reading Comprehensions Questions Level 1 Readers: This version of each fairytale has been adapted based on a selection of core vocabulary/sight words, or the highest frequency words in speech and writing. Level 2 Readers: This version of each fairytale has been adapted for early/ emergent readers. Story Accompaniment: Our story accompaniments provide the visual supports to improve reading comprehension. Reading Comprehension Questions Sequencing of Story Events Characters/ Setting Visual Supports BONUS: Spin a Fairytale Set has your students spinning and creating their own fairytales. Included Alice in WonderlandThe Gingerbread ManLittle Red Riding Hood RumpelstiltskinThe 3 Little PigsThe Princess and the PeaThe Jungle Book The Little MermaidSleeping Beauty 
Emergent Readers: I see... (animals) Set of 6 (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Emergent Readers: I see... (animals) Set of 6 (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Emergent Readers: I see... ... $16.00 USD
Easy Reader Adapted Books- Increase students MLU (mean length of utterance) with these adapted books, while helping them to learn concepts about print, and beginning sight words. Our emergent readers teach show your earliest readers how fun/ interactive reading can be. Your student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create the sentence. (Ex: I see a bear.)  Need an activity pronto?  These files can be loaded onto an ipad and used with your students in a matter of minutes!  Get your set now!  Looking for more books? Click here to checkout the full set of "I see Animals" readers.  Specifications Digital Download: Compressed Zip File  14 MB | 96 pages 6 Easy Reader Adapted BooksI see a.... Pet Animals: Dog, Cat, Fish, Guinea Pig, Frog, Bird, Lizard, Snake, Rat, Rabbit, Ferret, and HamsterFarm Animals: goat, cow, pig, chicken, donkey, horse, turkey, duck, sheep, rabbit, dogSea Animals: walrus, whale, hermit crab, dolphin, octopus, seal, stingray, shark, sea turtle, starfish, penguin, sea horse and fishZoo Animals: gorilla, polar bear, flamingo, bear, kangaroo, peacock, bison, Koloa bear, monkey, porcupine, tiger, panda bear, crocodileSafari Animals: elephant, hyena, rhinoceros, zebra, tiger, hippopotamus, meerkat, leopard, giraffe, lion, cheetah, antelope.Wild Animals: skunk, seagull, swan, fox, bird, turtle, deer, raccoon, wolf, frog, squirrel, crow, bear, mouse, turkey, duckGreat for Independent Work Station  Reviews Mary A. This book went over very well in my preschool. All of my students were excited to say what the text said.  Michele F. The kids love them. They are such a time saver.  Teresa H. My autistic kids love your books that they can "read". Anita D. Can't wait to use these during centers! A great way for my students to participate in gen. ed. :) Guarantee  All of our products are classroom tested and therapy tested- we’ve used them ourselves and know that they are effective! AdaptEd is made up of a team (SLP, OT and SPED teacher / AT Specialist) so that we can offer you the best, and the most reliable resources possible. We know how frustrating it can be to spend your hard earned money on something- only to open it and find out it’s not what you were looking for. That- this simply is not going to do anything useful for you or your students. We don’t want that- and we know you don’t either! If you’re not completely satisfied with your download email us at krystie@adapted4specialed.com and let us know. We’d love to see how we can fix it!
Five Little Monkeys Nursery Rhyme Emergent Reader + Reading Comprehension (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Five Little Monkeys Nursery Rhyme Emergent Reader + Reading Comprehension (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Five Little Monkeys Nursery... $3.97 USD
Introducing the Five Little Monkeys Rhyme Emergent Reader + Reading Comprehension! This reader is adapted from classic nursery rhymes, rewritten with core vocabulary (aka sight words) for easier reading. The simplified language makes it perfect for students just starting to build their reading skills. Plus, the included reading comprehension questions help to further develop their understanding of the story. [ P R O D U C T • I N C L U D E S ] Emergent Readers Emergent Reader of Five Little Monkeys Five Little Monkeys Nursery Rhyme Song Version Reading Comprehension Accompaniment Visuals for Characters Visuals for Settings An Event Sequencing Task Visual Comprehension Questions [ R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S ] Use on your iPad/ tablet to save on printing costs. Project the book for the entire class to see, and avoid printing anything. P.S. If you like this book you might want to check out our Fairy Tale bundle. Get 30% off when you purchase the full set.
Questions? We're here to help: krystie@adapted4specialed.com 714.598.9550