Social Skills Story: All About Hygiene: Editable (Printable PDF )

$3.97 USD

Social Skills Story: All About Hygiene: Editable (Printable PDF )

$3.97 USD
Product description

Looking to help your child learn the importance of good hygiene? Look no further than Social Skills Story: All About Hygiene.

This 15-page social narrative describes what it means to have good hygiene, from keeping clean to brushing teeth. With engaging text and real photographs, this story is perfect for kids of all ages!

  • 15 page social skills story
  • editable version saved on Google Slides 
  • Print and bind into a book, or just read it digitally on any of your devices. 

Social Narratives Benefits

Want to edit this book? 

Possibly add in a student name or change a picture? 📷

You can do that now! Just click the link in the back of the book and you'll be taken to an editable version saved in google slides! 💻

Social Skills Story: All About Hygiene: Editable (Printable PDF )

$3.97 USD
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Customer Reviews

Based on 242 reviews
Debra Haff
Special Education Teacher

Thank-you for an awesome social story to use to explain to students with ASD! It was very helpful in explaining COVID-19 to the students and also the parents!

Alison Gainok
It is a Mask

My son understands more now why it is so important to wear a mask and is willing to wear his mask. He says, "she/he is sick" whenever he sees someone wearing a mask. It is easier to talk about the importance of handwashing and staying 6 ft apart.

Jamie Kral

We appreciate social stories with real people! My son responds better to them better so huge thank you for this resource! Especially right now!

Alana Murphy
Great resource for distance learning!

Loved using this for a read aloud this week with my private group for my families. Kids deserve to have language for what is going on around them! Thanks for another great resource!

Angela Perry
Great reinforcement!

We have been working on washing hands since Covid started. Love that this has a step-by-step feel to it. We try to review this every other day or so. She really seems to understand more and is doing better with her handwashing!

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