File Folders: Food Sorts Pack (Printable PDF) File Folders - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
File Folders: Food Sorts Pa... $6.97 USD
PDF | 3.4 MB | 49 Pages | 9 Hands On File Folders  Grocery Shopping is an important life skill that needs to be systematically taught to many special education students. This set of file folder activities will provide your students with much-needed hands-on practice sorting food into the different sections of the grocery store. Once your students master these file folder activities, they'll be well on their way to being able to follow a grocery store list and determining where the items are located in the store. This file folder set is a great way to get your students engaged in important life skills training with little prep work for you. Grocery Store Sorts - students sort the food into appropriate categories.  File Folder Sets Included: Fruits or Vegetables Meat or Dairy Produce or Meat Frozen or Bakery Bakery or Dairy Bakery or Deli Deli or Cleaning BONUS 2 Healthy/ Unhealthy Foods Sort 
Digital Jack-O-Lanterns: Halloween 3 No Prep Activities (Interactive Digital) No Prep Google Drive - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Digital Jack-O-Lanterns: Halloween 3 No Prep Activities (Interactive Digital) No Prep Google Drive - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Digital Jack-O-Lanterns: Ha... $7.95 USD
Interactive Jack-O-Lantern Activity Set  3 No Prep Google Slides  Sets Set 1: Matching Drag and Drop the Pieces to Recreate the Same Expression  50 Interactive Slides Set 2: Emotions  ex: The Pumpkin feels happy, drag and drop the pieces to make a pumpkin that looks happy.  23 common emotions. Happy, sad, upset, anxious... 56 Interactive Slides Set 3: Make Your Own + Emotions Make your own + How does it feel? Type in the emotion. 63 Interactive Slides The PDF download contains the links to the digital versions. You can use this on either a computer, Chromebook or tablet. 
Emergent Reader Emergent Reader
Emergent Reader "I see... P... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  Looking for more books? Click here to checkout the full set of "I see Animals" readers.  How it Works The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Ex: I see a dog. I see a dog and a cat. I see a hamster next to a bird. What's Included 13 MB| 102 pages Zip File  Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each) A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank. I see a _______. I see a _______ next to a _________. I see a _______ and a ________. Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip Pet Animals: Dog, Cat, Fish, Guinea Pig, Frog, Bird, Lizard, Snake, Rat, Rabbit, Ferret, and Hamster
Number Sense 1-10 Adapted Books, File Folders and Posters (Digital Interactive & Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Number Sense 1-10 Adapted Books, File Folders and Posters (Digital Interactive & Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Number Sense 1-10 Adapted B... $9.97 USD
Make Numbers 1-10 Adapted Book Numbers are EVERYWHERE and are represented in many different ways in our daily lives. Help your students develop their number sense using this compact, interactive adapted book! number identification telling time- digital clock tally marks fingers- counting fingers money- coins money- dollar bills number words [ P R O D U C T • I N C L U D E S ] ------------------------------------------------- Interactive Adapted Books: Printable and Digital Versions Numbers 1-5 Numbers 6-10 Interactive File Folders: Printable and Digital Versions 39 ready made drag and drop file folders Numbers 1-10 Printables 2 Sets of Numbers- Blank- students use the picture pieces to show the multiple ways this number can be represented Visual supports or classroom posters- has 7 ways the number can be represented 60 Picture Pieces- that are placed on the numbers 3 options for use- 1. Print and Use Worksheets 2. Adapted Book 3. Center Placed in a Bin Set up is quick and easy! Instructions of set up and all picture pieces are included! [S E T U P • I N S T R U C T I O N S • I N C L U D E D]
Shapes in the Real World 4 Book Set (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Shapes in the Real World 4 Book Set (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Shapes in the Real World 4 ... $9.97 USD
Includes 4 Books: Squares, Rectangles, Circles and Triangles  All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization. Shape hunts are a great way to teach shapes, and these books give learners real images to help them describe everyday items.  PDF | ZIP FILE | 112 pages
Shopping List: Mixed Full Store (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) Shopping Lists - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Shopping List: Mixed Full Store (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) Shopping Lists - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Shopping List: Mixed Full S... $9.97 USD
These interactive activities are the perfect grab and go life skills training task. Includes all REAL PICTURES so it is appropriate for all ages, no kiddish clip art graphics! 8 Activities Included: 4 printable task bins, and 4 digital interactive activities  Activities: Shopping List: 25 lists with Visual Supports drag and drop virtual activity to add the items to the basket.  Printable Task Cards:  Is this what's on the list?: Yes/No What's wrong with this basket?(choose the food that shouldn't be there)  What's missing from the list? 25 task cards per set Digital Setup:  The PDF download contains the links to the digital version as well as the print option. This set can also be printed and used as a hands-on task bin.  Digital Versions are saved on Google Slides™  
Opinion Thanksgiving Adapted Book (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Opinion Thanksgiving Adapted Book (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Opinion Thanksgiving Adapte... $5.47 USD
What do you like about Thanksgiving? I love spending time with my family and apple pie, but pumpkin pie makes me gag!  This book is designed to help little ones or kids with limited verbal skills to share what they love about Thanksgiving while giving them a way to say what they don't like as well.  8.6 MB PDF  |  25 pages 19-page book + Worksheets to send home Picture/ word pieces with a sentence strip makes this book interactive.  Set up instructions, picture pieces and sentence strip are included!   
Emergent Readers: ASL Emergent Readers: ASL
Emergent Readers: ASL "I se... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Ex: I see an alligator. I see an alligator and a fish. I see a pig and a chicken.  Includes 3 Easy Reader Books. (each set comes with 2 versions) A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank.  I see a (farm animals). I see a (water animals). I see a (zoo animals). American Sign Language Flash Cards Picture and Word PiecesSentence Strip  12 MB | 154 pages Zip File 
Utility Bills Reading Comprehension (Printable PDF) File Folders - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Utility Bills Reading Comprehension (Printable PDF) File Folders - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Utility Bills Reading Compr... $5.97 USD
Reading and understand utility bills is a skill your students will need to have an independent life. This resource was designed to introduce and help students practice the important life skill of reading utility bills. With this download, students will be exposed to a variety of common utility bills and be asked to answer a variety of questions relating to accounts, costs, dates, previous balances, etc. This resource comes with 24 Level 1 Cut & Paste Worksheets (3 questions per page) and 12 Level 2 Write-in Worksheets (11 questions per page). The worksheets cover electricity and gas bills and can be printed in both black and white and color. These worksheets are a fun, engaging, and visual way to practice reading different variations of commonly seen utility bills or invoices. Why Teach Students How to Read Utility Bills? Reading utility bills is an important life skill because almost every household receives at least one type of utility bill each month. Understanding how to read a utility bill can help students budget their money, avoid late payment fees, and understand their consumption patterns. Teaching your students how to read utility bills is an important step in preparing them for success in adulthood. How to Use This Resource in Your Classroom This resource was designed to be used in a special education or autism classroom, but can also be used with English language learners or any other student who could benefit from extra practice reading environmental print. To use this resource, simply print out the desired number of worksheets and have students complete them individually or in small groups. These worksheets are a great way to introduce environmental print reading comprehension to your students or as a review for students who have already been introduced to this skill. These worksheets can also be used as part of a larger lesson on budgeting or household expenses. Teaching your students how to read environmental print is an important step in preparing them for success in adulthood. This resource was designed to help you introduce this skill in a fun and engaging way. If you have any questions about how to use this resource in your classroom, please don't hesitate to contact us at We're always happy to help!
Emergent Readers: Bugs & Insects Spanish/ English/ Filipino (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Emergent Readers: Bugs & Insects Spanish/ English/ Filipino (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Emergent Readers: Bugs & In... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  Hands-On Sentence Strips Make these readers irresistibly interactive.   49 MB|199 pages Zip File  Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 3 versions of each) A total of 9 easy readers are included in this set.  Each set comes with a visual supports sentence strip at the bottom, fill in the blank (insect), as well as a text only version.I see a _______. I see a _______ next to a _________. I see a _______ and a ________.  Your student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page,  Use the adaptable pieces to fill in the blanks, or match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Limited Time Bonus: 2 Spanish and 2 Filipino Readers. Insects: ladybug, dragonfly, butterfly, praying mantis, cockroach, grasshopper, ant, bee, cricket, fly, beetle
Career Interest Survey (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Career Interest Survey (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Career Interest Survey (Pri... $7.95 USD
Get you and your students wheels turning about possible career choices... Included in this set are 2 picture interest surveys. The first set works best for older students. It asks pertinent questions about life on the job. The second career interest survey works best for younger students. Questions are Yes/No and are more basic about likes and dislikes. This valuable information is very helpful when brainstorming about future jobs. PDF | 63 Pages | 56.3 MB  
AAC Play Companions Core Vocabulary (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd AAC Play Companions Core Vocabulary (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
AAC Play Companions Core V... $9.97 USD
 This set of play companions will help you to teach your students to engage in play in a natural and fun atmosphere.  Many of our students benefit from visuals, so why not use visuals to teach play skills?!?  That’s the idea behind this visual companion set.  An adult models the play task by using a visual support that is carefully disguised as part of the play  (Doctor’s notes, Parent’s To-Do List, etc).  When it’s the student’s turn they have the same visual support available to them.  They simply check off the tasks as they go! Visual supports mean less prompting and more INDEPENDENCE!  Oh, and the visual supports are also paired with core vocabulary phrases appropriate for each play task.  Let’s get them talking!  Let’s get them playing! We can all agree that teaching play skills is SOOO important.  But why does it have to be so hard?  Well . . . NOW IT DOESN’T have to be!!!  Details 50 Page PDF Download Doctor Play:  Use the “Doctor’s Notes” and a toy doctor kit to perform “check ups” on peers. Pet Play: Choose a pet and take care of all its basic needs with the “Pet Owner’s To-Do List”. Restaurant Play: Take orders from peers and serve up meals with the “Waiter’s Notes” and menu. Train Play: Use language to set up a train track and direct traffic. Baby Play: Use the Parent’s “To-Do List” to take care of baby’s basic needs.  This set also includes BONUS scripts for lunch and recess times!  Break times are fantastic learning opportunities! Get your students using functional communication and core vocabulary during social moments.
I like... I don't like Winter/ Christmas Activity Book (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
I like... I don't like Wint... $5.47 USD
What do you like about Christmas and the holidays? I love playing in the snow, but there's definitely things I don't enjoy...  Holiday traffic. That Rudolph movie (clay-mation is weird to me, ok?) This book is designed to help little ones or individuals with special needs to share what they love about Christmas and the holiday season while giving them a way to say what they don't like as well.  13.2 MB PDF  |  27 pages 21-page book + 3 Interactive Worksheets you can send home  
ASL: I like... I don't like... Sports: Adapted Book (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) Adapted Book - AdaptEd4SpecialEd ASL: I like... I don't like... Sports: Adapted Book (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) Adapted Book - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
ASL: I like... I don't like... $5.47 USD
Practice identifying likes and dislikes while working on beginning writing skills and sentences structure.  The book has 24 pages, and the student will match the corresponding pictures to the sentence strip, creating opinion sentences with ease. (Ex: I like to play baseball. I don't like swimming.) 24-page book + No PREP Digital Version Picture and word pieces for writing sentences Writing worksheet to copy down the sentences they've created BONUS Sign Language Cards  Instructions of set up and all picture pieces are included!  After students finish writing the book I like to have them practice copying down the sentences they have made.  This is a great way to have students work on forming their own opinions, especially for students with minimal verbal skills, as well as getting students to use proper sentence structure. 
Describe It: Adjectives Set (Printable PDF) Adapted Book - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Describe It: Adjectives Set (Printable PDF) Adapted Book - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Describe It: Adjectives Set... $5.97 USD
Those pesky adjectives!   They can be such a sticking point for our students.  Are you familiar with the “freeze face” that happens when you ask your student to think of a describing word?  We are!  That’s why we developed a system to support our students while they are learning to describe.  Visual supports help the students to feel grounded and more comfortable making their own decisions. This product includes visual supports/charts to help students describe (RECEPTIVELY and EXPRESSIVELY!)  in five different areas:  Food Animals People Vehicles Toys Contains two “How it works” pages explaining the receptive cut and paste tasks and the expressive charting & sentence writing tasks.  You will loooove the simplicity of this re-useable material.   The receptive tasks focus on teaching the meaning of common adjectives.  The expressive tasks include charts where the students choose from a selection of available adjectives, a word bank where they collect their adjectives, and a fill-in-the-blank sentence strip where they put it all together.  Oh- and did we mention that this is NO PREP?!?!?  Simply print and GO.  You’re welcome :) But the best part?  At the end of the task your students will have created their own UNIQUE sentences that include at least 2 describing words!   Make it a party and have each student share their own special sentence!  

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