Positional Words: Caterpillar Task Cards and Adapted Book (Printable and Interactive Digital) Prepositions - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Positional Words: Caterpillar Task Cards and Adapted Book (Printable and Interactive Digital) Prepositions - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Positional Words: Caterpill... $5.50 USD
Looking for a fun and engaging way to teach prepositions? Look no further than these Spatial Concepts Speech Therapy: Teaching Prepositions Adapted Book & Task Cards!  These cards are great for exploring positional language while building a complete sentence. The task cards are an ideal way for concrete positional word knowledge by placing the caterpillar in the scene.  This set can be used over and over again, making it perfect for centers, early finishers, SLP positional word therapy sessions and Special Education.  The digital versions saved on Google Slides make these activities perfect for centers or substitute days, too! Here's what you'll get: Adapted Book 8 Page Adaptable Book + No PREP Interactive Digital Slides Version 2 sets of tiles- words only and symbol supported.  4 differentiated levels of adapted book pieces  Task Cards 8 Hands-On Task Cards + 8 Visually Supported Task Cards Drag and drop place the caterpillar digital task cards.  These task cards and adapted books are designed to help your students explore spatial words concepts in real life, with plenty of hand-on practice. Plus, they come in both print and digital versions, so you can use them however you prefer. With these cards, your students will love learning about positional words and how to use them. The manipulatives included will help bring the scenes to life, and your students will be engaged and having fun while they learn. So why wait? Grab your set today and watch your students excel! Spatial Concepts / Prepositions: Above Under  Between  in front of  On  In  Behind  Through TEACHERS LIKE YOU SAID… ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mary C. says, "Combined with a manipulative activity it was a hit with my students." ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Skye C. says, "This is a wonderful resource for my younger students working on those positional concepts!! The kids are interested in the material and motivated to complete the book!” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Pamela Y. says, "This product is adorable, it is so cute and the kids love it. I use it almost daily for various needs in Kdg and First Grade." ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Emmilion Thoughts says, "So many choices!!! My little ones love these interactive books. Such a fun way to practice prepositions!”
Crayons: Adapted Book and Emergent Readers 4 Book Set (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Crayons: Adapted Book and Emergent Readers 4 Book Set (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Crayons: Adapted Book and E... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Example Sentences: I see 3 red crayons. I see a blue crayon. I see a purple crayon and a pink crayon. I see a green crayon next to an orange crayon. 20 MB | 105 pages Zip File  Includes 1 Adapted Book & 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each)  Adapted Book:  How Many? What Color? What? 10 Adaptable Pages A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank. I see a _______. I see a _______ next to a _________. I see a _______ and a ________. Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip Numbers 1-10Colors: blue, green, pink, red, purple, light blue, light green, dark green orange, yellow, grey, teal. 
Occupations: Occupations:
Occupations: "Community Hel... $8.00 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  Your kids will beam with pride as they learn to read independently!   Details Your student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. (Ex: I see a police man. I see a police man and a crossing guard. I see a waiter next to a cook.)  Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each) and 1 Bonus Easy Reader: He/ She is a __________. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank. I see a _______. I see a _______ next to a _________. I see a _______ and a ________. He/ She is a ____________.Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip Included Jobs/ Occupations: painter, waiter, delivery man, fire man, dentist, scientist, gardener, nurse, construction worker, janitor, doctor, pizza man, police man, vet, cook, teacher, crossing guard and bus driverGreat for Independent Work Station  The work has been done for you.  Simply click, download, and open on a tablet or computer, and your students will up and reading in a flash. Or you can print and bind yourself.  Grab your bundle of 7 Digital Readers now! 19 MB | 153 pages Zip File  Digital Setup  Have no time to prep?  You can get started with the interactive digital versions 💻 in a matter of SECONDS.  Not minutes, seconds, seriously!  Digital Versions are saved on Google Slides™    
Emergent Reader Transportation Vehicles (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Emergent Reader Transportation Vehicles (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Emergent Reader Transportat... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  Hands-On Sentence Strips Make these readers irresistibly interactive.   49 MB|199 pages Zip File  Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 3 versions of each) A total of 9 easy readers are included in this set.  Each set comes with a visual supports sentence strip at the bottom, fill in the blank (vehicles), as well as a text only version.I see a _______. I see a _______ next to a _________. I see a _______ and a ________. Your student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page,  Use the adaptable pieces to fill in the blanks, or match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Limited Time Bonus: 2 Spanish and 2 Filipino Readers Vehicles/ Transportation: School Bus, Bus, Airplane, Boat, Truck, Fire Truck, Garbage Truck, Helicopter, Semi-Truck, Motorcycle, Racecar, car, ambulance, police car, train, and ship.
Task Cards: Next Dollar Up: Fast Food (Printable PDF) Dollar Up - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Task Cards: Next Dollar Up: Fast Food (Printable PDF) Dollar Up - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Task Cards: Next Dollar Up:... $7.95 USD
 Want to Make Your CBI Trips More Effective? Stop Your Students From Digging Into Their Pockets & Pulling Out Their Entire Wad of Cash Just to Pay for a Candy Bar...   This Set Gives Your Students the Hands-On Classroom Prep They Need to Go Out Into the Community & Pay With Confidence  Set up is so easy use instantly digitally 💻📲, or just print and laminate! 🖨️ Watch the digital task cards in action below. 🎬👀  Included:* 👉 6 Levels of Differentiation! From errorless to write it in. We've got all of your student's levels covered. 🕰️ Low Prep 📋 Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) 🍔 Functional Life Skill: Fast Food Themed  192 Task Cards!  Students are to place the clip on the next dollar amount.  Increase the skill level by providing them with bills and have them create the next dollar amount. All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization and independence. 
Task Cards: Measuring Cups (Printable PDF) Life Skills - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Task Cards: Measuring Cups ... $8.00 USD
Practice makes perfect, this set includes all the visuals your students need to master all the skills involving measuring spoons. 206 Task Cards!  ✓ 6 Levels of Differentiation! From errorless to write it in. We've got all of your student's levels covered. ✓ Low Prep✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) ✓ Functional Life Skill Sets included: What size measuring cup is this? Which one should I use? Liquid or dry measuring cup What is it filled to? (liquid measuring cups)  Hands-on Practice  PDF | 80 Pages | 7.8 MB 
"Answering Hypothetical Que... $5.97 USD
Do you want to teach your students how to think critically? Answering Hypothetical Questions is an educational resource that provides teachers/ parents with a different approach to teaching hypothetical questions. Rather than having the student identify the correct answer, this material focuses on providing and discussing multiple correct answers to hypothetical questions. First, explore the options and talk about the different correct answers. Then have your student select the answer that makes most sense for them! Includes 15 sets of hypothetical questions and possible correct answers. PDF | 8.2 MB | 35 pages With this innovative approach, students will be able to learn more about themselves while also learning how others might think or feel in certain situations. This unique method of teaching will allow your students to develop empathy skills they can use throughout their lives! Click "add to cart" if you're interested in downloading Answering Hypothetcal questions today! Answering Hypothetical Questions This product contains 15 sets of hypothetical questions and possible correct answers. Each set of questions is accompanied by a discussion on the different correct answers. The goal is to have students identify the best answer for them, rather than just identifying the correct answer. These are great for studying or reviewing! They are also great for group discussions! Hypothetical Questions Speech Therapy I find myself writing IEP goals for hypothetical questions ALL the time. But how we teach the skill is just as important! Many times we get caught in the habit of teaching a single rote answer . . . Question: What do you do if you feel sick? Answer: “Go to the doctor.” But do we all really go to the doctor when we are sick? Or is that just ONE possibility? After all, we want students thinking, not just memorizing answers! Therefore, this material is a little different than your standard hypothetical questions deck. Rather than having the student identify the correct answer, they will be asked what they would do if they were feeling sick and then given three options from which to choose one. This way students can think about their own reasoning behind their decision rather than simply identifying an answer on a test or quiz without understanding why it was chosen over other possible responses. Purchase this set today and give your students more opportunities for critical thinking skills development! All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization and independence.
Task Cards: Fast Food | How Many Bills Do I Pay With? (Printable PDF) Money Awareness - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Task Cards: Fast Food | How... $8.00 USD
Want to Make Your CBI Trips More Effective? Stop Your Students From Digging Into Their Pockets & Pulling Out Their Entire Wad of Cash Just to Pay for a Candy Bar... This Set Gives Your Students the Hands-On Classroom Prep They Need to Go Out Into the Community & Pay With Confidence  Next dollar up is a fantastic skill, but sometimes your students aren't going to have just the exact right amount of bills. Now you can conquer teaching your students how many of each bill they should use when paying. Instead of handing over their whole wad of cash.  🤷 Your students will clip or circle the number of bills they need to make the purchase.  288 Task Cards (4 per page) ✓2 Levels of Differentiation. (counting supports over bills, just bills) ✓ 8 sets total:  1, 5, 10, 20 dollar bills (2 levels of each) ✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) ✓ Low Prep✓ Functional Life Skill  PDF | 13.2 MB | 92 Pages Set up is so easy, just print and laminate! Increase the skill level by providing bills and have your students practice counting them out and making purchases.  All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization and independence.
Emergent Reader Emergent Reader
Emergent Reader "I see... F... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  Looking for more books? Click here to checkout the full set of "I see Animals" readers.  How it Works  The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Ex: I see a horse. I see a pig and a horse. I see a goat next to a pig. What's Included 12 MB | 102 pages Zip File   Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each)  A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank.  I see a _______.  I see a _______ next to a _________.  I see a _______ and a ________.  Text Only Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip  Farm Animals: goat, cow, pig, chicken, donkey, horse, turkey, duck, sheep, rabbit, dog
Task Cards: Coin Identification (Printable PDF) Coins - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Task Cards: Coin Identification (Printable PDF) Coins - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Task Cards: Coin Identifica... $6.00 USD
Get your students to master coin identification. This 160 card set, will have your kids identifying coins both by their name and their value.  ✓ 5 Levels of Differentiation! From errorless to write it in. We've got all of your student's levels covered. ✓ Low Prep✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) ✓ Functional Life Skill: Money!  160 Task Cards!  Students circle or place the clip on coin name or value. This is a great way to have students work on money.  All pictures are real photographs in order to encourage generalization and independence.
Emergent Readers: Dinosaurs (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Emergent Readers: Dinosaurs (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Emergent Readers: Dinosaurs... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Ex: I see a Tyrannosaurus Rex. I see a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Triceratops. I see a Stegosaurus and a Brontosaurus.  Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each)  A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank.  I see a _______.  I see a _______ next to a _________.  I see a _______ and a ________.  Text Only Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip  12 MB | 102 pages Zip File 
-20% sale
Task Cards: Measuring Spoons (Printable PDF) Life Skills - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Task Cards: Measuring Spoon... $6.40 USD $8.00 USD
Practice makes perfect, this set includes all the visuals your students need to master all the skills involving measuring spoons. 304 Task Cards!  ✓ 6 Levels of Differentiation! From errorless to write it in. We've got all of your student's levels covered. ✓ Low Prep✓ Data Sheets (that are also EDITABLE) ✓ Functional Life Skill Sets included: What size measuring spoon is this? Which one should I use? Mark all the ones you'll need. Hands-on Practice  PDF | 100 Pages | 3.7 MB 
"Build a Burger" Task Bin A... $7.97 USD
A fun way to build vocational, social skills,  and teamwork! Contains: 40 pattern/sequencing cards that show a completed burger. (ex: 🍔- 🍞, 🍅, 🧀) Cards range from 3 - 12 ingredients.  Blank Menu: Ordering Cards 6 Games for partner/ whole class instruction.  + BONUS NO PREP Digital Set + 26 Digital Cards💻:🍔 Want more? This set is included in our Build a... BUNDLE that includes 9 more food sets. Click here to check it out. 
Shapes: Adapted Book and Emergent Readers 4 Book Set (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Shapes: Adapted Book and Emergent Readers 4 Book Set (Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Shapes: Adapted Book and Em... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  How it Works  Interactive Sentence Strip  The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Ex: I see 3 red circles. I see a square. I see a square and a circle. I see a heart next to a square. 40 MB | 105 pages Zip File  Includes 1 Adapted Book & 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each)  Adapted Book:  How Many? What Color? What? 9 Adaptable Pages A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank. I see a _______. I see a _______ next to a _________. I see a _______ and a ________.    Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip Colors: red, green, yellow, blue, brown, purple, orange, pink and whiteShapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, star, rhombus/diamond, heart, oval, and pentagon
Emergent Readers: Space (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd Emergent Readers: Space (Interactive Digital + Printable PDF) - AdaptEd4SpecialEd
Emergent Readers: Space (In... $7.50 USD
Builds Confidence In Your Early Readers Differentiating is a breeze, when you have the right materials. Earliest readers can use the visual supports at the bottom of each page to find success right away.  The student can either read the sentence strip at the bottom of the page, or use the adaptable pieces to match the corresponding pictures to create a sentence. Examples:  I see Earth.  I see Earth and Mars. I see a space capsule and asteroids. INCLUDED*  Includes 3 Easy Reader Books (with 2 versions of each)  A total of 6 easy readers are included in this set. Each set comes with a completed sentence strip at the bottom and a version where the animals are left blank.  I see a _______.  I see a _______ next to a _________.  I see a _______ and a ________.  Text Only Picture/ Word Pieces Sentence Strip  12 MB | 102 pages Zip File 
Questions? We're here to help: krystie@adapted4specialed.com 714.598.9550